The construction industry has direct and often detrimental impacts on human rights, particularly in the areas of workers’ rights, community and land-rights, environmental protection (e.g. dams, large hydro-electric projects) as well as rights to life and health of communities and workers.
However, workers’ abuse, environmental damage, displacement of local communities caused by large-scale construction projects, such as those involving infrastructure development, and in some cases the threat to human life as a result of poorly constructed buildings are regularly reported. The risks and complexities inherent in the construction sector, such as, high competition, tight fixed deadlines, low profit margins (about 2%), and heavy reliance on multiple-layered sub-contracting make it a high-risk sector in terms of human rights (IHRB, June 2016). It is also often under-regulated by local governments and It is also recognised as a high-risk sector for corruption. Moreover, as a labour-intensive sector where temporary and irregular work is common, as well as low-skilled and low-waged jobs, it is a high-risk sector for forced labour.
Read more
The construction sector attracts millions of migrant workers, primarily to the Gulf States but also to other places where large-scale events including mega-sporting events take place, to work on large-scale infrastructure projects. Many countries are undertaking or plan to undertake large infrastructure projects such as dams, ports, roads, rails, pipelines in a bid to modernise or boost economic activity. A significant number of these projects are being undertaken through the private-public-partnership (PPPs) model hence an increased role of the private sector and an added risk and opportunity for human rights given if undertaken in line with human rights based approach. The 2022 World Cup in Qatar was subject of international concern due to the poor working conditions for migrant workers. The government reported that 30,000 foreign laborers were hired just for the stadium. Human rights groups have criticized Qatar for the treatment of foreign workers. Issues such as squalid living conditions, recruitment fees, withheld wages, and confiscated passports have been highlighted.
The Institute for Human Rights and Business has developed the Framework for Dignity in the Built Environment, linked to existing standards and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Framework aims to guide decision-making and strengthen collaboration, in order to mitigate risks to human rights and maximise social outcomes throughout the built environment lifecycle. The Mega Sporting Events initiative by the Institute for Human Rights and Business brings together multi-stakeholders working together to address human rights issues throughout he lifecycle of large sporting events of which construction of supporting infrastructure in the host countries is major stage and often fraught with human rights concerns.
Legislative reforms, such as state-led labour law reforms can be complemented by rather than replaced by civil society efforts, or industry or company led codes of conducts. Some of these initiatives were, in fact, developed as a response to increased transparency regulations. For instance, since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 began requiring public companies to disclose whether they have adopted a code of ethics, some companies and their associates have chosen to adopt and disclose their own code of ethics, even though compliance is only voluntary for privately held companies. See e.g. the American Subcontractors Association “Model Code of Ethics for a Construction Subcontractor”).
The construction sector is of significant importance for the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) as it impacts on all three dimensions of the SDGs; economic, social and environmental. This sector can contribute to the achievement of many goals including building resilient infrastructure (SDG 9) and “making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and sustainable” (SDG 11), and to climate change adaptation and mitigation (SDG 13). All of these SDGs have human rights dimensions. Construction can also be a hazardous sector and one that relies on many low-skilled, often migrant, workers. Thus, it also plays a crucial role in protecting workers’ rights and ensuring a safe and secure working environment compliant with international labour standards (SDG 8.8). Activities of the construction sector under all these Goals also have implications for land rights (SDGs 1.4, 2.3, 5a), where adequate due diligence is crucial to ensure adequate respect for communities’ and individual land rights.
This section includes a plan to ratify Convention No. 167 on Safety and Health in Construction. The government comments “the ratification of this Convention will be deposited in Geneva in June 2016.”
The Czech NAP does not make a direct reference to Construction, although the following points are relevant to the area.
Administrative courts and their opportunities to review and annul follow-up decisions [page 51]
“It is often the case that complex authorisation proceedings do not take place as a whole, but comprise a many sub-proceedings and decisions that follow up on each other and are intertwined. If one decision is annulled by a special remedy (review proceedings or an administrative action), the downstream decisions formally remain in force even though they have been robbed of their basis. One example is building permit proceedings, where the issuance of a building permit hinges on the existence of a valid zoning decision. If a court annuls the zoning decision (or even part of the land-use plan forming the basis for the issuance of the zoning decision), the building permit remains in force. This falls foul of the principle of procedural economy (the annulment must take place in a separate process, even though this is a pure formality in the overwhelming majority of cases). It is also contrary to the requirement of legal certainty (the decision remains in force and enjoys the presumption of correctness, even though it obviously needs to be annulled), and is at odds with the principle of legality (because a decision that is clearly not legal remains in force).”
Integration of authorisation proceedings [page 53]
“The lack of uniformity of provisions in administrative law is reflected negatively in the issuance of permits and opinions in particular. An investor intending to implement a large-scale plan affecting multiple areas requires numerous individual permits and opinions from various bodies. In this respect, the Czech legal system is highly fragmented. Permits are issued in accordance with laws on building …
Current state of play:
An amendment to the Building Act adopted in 2017 led to the partial interconnection of zoning proceedings, building permit proceedings, EIA procedure and several other necessary authorisation proceedings.”
Increasing the use of labour and social clauses in public contracts [page 16]
“The current labour clause threshold value of approximately DK K 37.5 million for public construction projects included by the labour clause requirement will be abolished. In the future, governmental contracting authorities (including companies that are fully owned by governmental authorities and not in competition) must use labour clauses in all public tender calls for construction projects.”
3 Expectations towards companies and support services
3.5 Support for Finnish and international organisations promoting the subject [page 29]
“In 2014, approximately EUR 17 million were spent to support the projects of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The projects are related to matters such as rights at work, green workplaces for the construction sector, the inclusion of women in the labour market, and decent work.”
Objective 25.9.1: Ensure accordance between construction legislation and human rights protection standards (including standards ensuring adaptive environment for persons with disabilities).
Objective indicator: Prepared and initiated to the Parliament of Georgia project of “Georgian code of Construction and Spatial Planning”.
Activity: Initiating package of amendments in construction legislation.
Responsible agency: Human Rights Secretariat of the Administration of the Government; Ministry of Economy and sustainable development of Georgia.
No partnership agency.
Objective 25.10.1: Monitoring of the implementation of the provisions of Spatial Planning and Construction Legislation.
Objective indicator: Prepared and initiated to the Parliament of Georgia project of “Georgian Code of Spatial Planning and Construction”.
“The NAP (…) introduces limited objectives and actions, with reference to the national context translated into the following priorities:
The fight against caporalato (especially in the agricultural and construction sectors) and forms of exploitation, forced labour, child labour, slavery and irregular work, with particular attention to migrants and victims of trafficking” (p. 10)
c) National Priorities
“6. Strengthening of legislative and policy measures relating to the prevention an combating of the phenomenon of ‘caporalato’ (especially in the agricultural and construction sectors).” (p. 11)
ANNEX 1 – Accountability Grid and Assessment Tools for the Implementation of the NAP
“14. Update the information on the current legislative framework to combat illegal work and labour exploitation in the agricultural, construction, manufacturing and service sectors.” (p. 63)
(2) Measures of the Government as an Actor regarding State Duty to Protect Human Rights
A. Public Procurement
(Existing framework/Measures taken)
…, the revision of the Act on Promoting Quality Assurance in Public Works (Act No. 18 of 2005) in 2019 set forth the obligations of the commissioning entity, such as setting appropriate periods for construction projects and ensuring that they are allocated evenly throughout the year as opposed to being concentrated in the same period. The revision also included a new requirement for a wide range of surveys regarding public works to be carried out. In addition to this, the Construction Business Act (Act No. 100 of 1949) and the Act for Promoting Proper Tendering and Contracting for Public Works (Act No. 127 of 2000) were revised in 2019 to promote work style reform in the construction industry, including redressing long working hours (e.g. appropriate construction period) and improvement of treatment of workers at construction sites.
(Future measures planned)
Thoroughly implement procurement rules relevant to business and human rights, including grievance procedures (initiatives based on Act on Priority Procurement Promotion for Persons with Disabilities, initiatives related to public procurement based on Article 24 of the Women’s Participation Act, and initiatives concerning exclusion of organized crime groups)
Continue to promote measures to exclude organized crime groups from public works, etc in accordance with the Initiative on Exclusion of Organized Crime Groups from Public Works, etc. (Agreement by the Working Team on Comprehensive Measures, Including the Control of Organized Crime Groups dated December 4, 2009). [All Ministries]
Continue to promote work style reform in the construction industry to deepen understanding of the purpose of the Act on Promoting Quality Assurance in Public Works, Construction Business Act, the Act for Promoting Proper Tendering and Contracting for Public Works, and the guidelines for these acts. [Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism]
‘Luxembourg’s NAP does not explicitly address this issue’
The 2020-22 NAP states the second edition of the National Action Plan complements the first NAP. Additional information about the first NAP can be found here.
CHAPTER II. Actions to improve the duty of the state in protecting human rights
6. Improve occupational safety and health requirements and standards.
Actions and measures to be implemented:
Assess whether national legislation fully reflects the provisions and obligations of ILO Convention No. 155 on Safety and Health at Work, ILO Convention No. 176 on Safety and Health in Mines and ILO Convention No. 167 on Safety and Health in Construction and take measures to bring relevant laws and regulations into conformity with these Conventions.
Time frame: 2023-2024
Criteria: The compatibility of national laws and legislation with the relevant conventions is examined and appropriate conclusions and proposals are made. Draft amendments to relevant laws and legislation shall be prepared and submitted for approval.
Implementing organisations: MLSP [Ministry of Labour and Social Protection], MMHI [Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry], MCUD [ministry of Construction and Urban Development]
Jointly implementing organisations: MFA [Ministry of Foreign Affairs], MoH [Ministry of Health], AGS [Authority of Government Supervisory], Relevant agencies
Monitor and inspect the operations of enterprises in sectors with a high incidence of occupational accidents and acute poisonings (mining, extraction, construction, energy, road and transport, agriculture, warehousing) in phases and take measures to enforce occupational safety and health regulations and eliminate violations.
Time frame: 2023-2027
Criteria: Phased monitoring and inspections will be carried out and measures will be taken to enforce OSH regulations and eliminate violations
Implementing organisation: MLSP
Jointly implementing organisations: Relevant ministries and organisations, AGS, Governors of all levels.
11. Strengthen the legal framework to ensure citizens’ right to live in a safe and healthy environment, prevent and eliminate negative impacts on human rights in the implementation of mining, quarrying, heavy industry, road and transport and energy infrastructure projects, resettle land evictions, value their property and provide compensation
Actions and measures to be implemented:
Ensure and protect the right of pastoralists and citizens living in active mining, road construction, transport and heavy industry areas to live in a safe and healthy environment and be protected from pollution and loss of ecological balance, identify the scope of impact, assess laws and regulations and take measures to ensure and protect their right to information, property rights and cultural rights, and strengthen the duties and responsibilities of state institutions, local government bodies and business enterprises in preventing, monitoring and eliminating negative impacts.
Time frame: 2023-2025
Criteria: The methodology for the assessment of environmental damage and the calculation of compensation will be reviewed and necessary additions and amendments will be made in relation to the determination of the area of impact and compensation for damage. Proposals for improving the legal provisions will be developed and submitted for approval.
Implementing organisations: MMHI [Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry], MET [Ministry of Environment and Tourism], MRPAM [Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia]
Jointly Implementing organisations: Relevant ministries and organisations, MoJHA [Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs], MoC [Ministry of Culture], AGS [Authority of Government Supervisory], Secretariat of the NCHR [National Committee for Human Rights], Governors of all levels
Inclusion of ‘business and human rights’ in the Netherlands’ national policy
Labour market policy and employment law
“Migrant workers make a major contribution to the local and national economy. Various sectors, including agriculture and horticulture, construction and logistics, are dependent on migrant labour. …” p. 26.
Development cooperation
The Trade Union Co-financing Programme for Decent Work for All
“An essential precondition for decent work is that trade unions can organise freely and are recognised as a negotiating partner by employers and governments. The VMP [Netherlands’ Trade Union Co-financing Programme] promotes respect for the right to organise by working with local partners and other actors in areas where this democratic freedom is not respected. Examples include … social dialogue in Rwanda resulting in the introduction of certificates recognising work experience, thus enabling low-skilled workers in the construction industry to improve their career prospects… In addition to engaging in social dialogue, trade unions stand up for individuals, for example in cases of sexual intimidation and dismissal or threats of dismissal due to trade union membership. Unions also champion the right to collective bargaining at company and industry level, and defend victims of unsafe working practices on palm oil plantations and in the construction industry.” p. 47
The Nigeria NAP provides a list of existing constitutional obligations, domestic legislation, internation obligations, and police and administrative steps. This breakdown only looks at the list of challenges and the implementation of the 3 pillars of the UNGPs.
PILLAR 1 – STATE DUTY TO PROTECT HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIONABLE ITEMS F. ENVIRONMENT “When acquiring land for development or business, government must ensure the conduct of human rights conflict and environmental impact assessment. In respect of environmental hazards and workplace safety, there will be periodic monitoring and inspection of company premises, operations and surroundings of manufacturing, construction, and extractive industries among others to ascertain their compliance with environmental standards.” (p.158)
J. RESETTLEMENT “Efforts will be made to minimize the negative impact of resettlement. Emphasis must be on the livelihood system of affected communities. Under business and human rights, Nigeria’s handling of the resettlement of Bonny and Finima during the construction of the Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Project has been acknowledged as a best practice case study.
Where resettlement for business becomes necessary, government and investors will be guided by best practices such as the Principles of Resettlement enunciated by the African Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank.” (p.159)
The rate of informal employment in the urban area, according to branches of activity, reaches 89% of jobs in agriculture/fishing/mining are informal, followed by construction with 80.8%, commerce with 73.1%, manufacturing with 62.8%, and services with 58% (cf. INEI, 2020b, p. 21). – page 34
3. Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
Development of new technical and construction conditions for buildings
[page 13-14]
“In connection with the amendments to the Act of 7 July 1994 – Construction Law introduced by the Act of 5 July 2018 on facilitations in the preparation and implementation of housing investments and accompanying investments (Journal of Laws item 1496) and the Act of 19 July 2019 on providing accessibility to persons with special needs (Journal of Laws item 1696), hereinafter referred to as the ‘Accessibility Act’, it is necessary to issue a new regulation specifying technical and construction conditions for buildings. These regulations should enter into force no later than 36 months from the date of entry into force of the Accessibility Act, i.e. from 20 September 2019. Due to the significant development in the field of design and implementation of investments, it is necessary to adopt solutions that will correspond to current technologies used in the construction industry, as well as accelerate and facilitate the process of implementation of investments, while being transparent and understandable for the recipient. In addition, issuing a new regulation will render it possible to introduce changes and clarify those regulations which currently raise interpretation doubts. The scope of the regulation will include, among others, the introduction of provisions aimed at facilitating access to buildings and related facilities by persons with various types of disabilities, which will certainly exert an additional positive impact on other social groups such as older persons, carers with young children or persons with temporary motor dysfunctions.”
4. Ministry of Family and Social Policy
The first Polish Strategy for Persons with Disabilities 2021–2030
[page 18]
“In 2020, a draft Strategy for Persons with Disabilities was developed in the Ministry of Family and Social Policy.”
“Another priority area is ‘Accessibility’. Accessibility is one of the basic conditions for participation of persons with disabilities in social and professional life. For this group of people, it determines the possibility of performing social roles and leading an independent life. It also entails ensuring to persons with disabilities access, on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment, buildings, transportation, information and communications technologies and systems, and to other facilities and services.”
12. Public Procurement Office
The new Public Procurement Law (Journal of Laws of 2021, items 1129 and 1598)
[page 33]
“The new Public Procurement Law, which came into force on 1 January 2021 (Journal of Laws of 2021, items 1129 and 1598) introduces changes both in terms of existing instruments of a social nature, as well as completely new solutions aimed at increasing the extent to which social aspects are taken into account in the public procurement. Among the new solutions in the Public Procurement Law, which – in addition to the regulations already existing in this respect – are aimed at supporting the implementation of social policy objectives within the framework of public procurement, the following, inter alia, should be mentioned:”
(…) “Article 95, according to which the contracting body shall specify in the contract notice or procurement documents for service or construction works the contract performance requirements related to employment by the economic operator or subcontractor under an employment contract of persons performing activities within the contract performance, specified by the contracting body, if the performance of these activities involves the performance of the work in a manner specified in Article 22 § 1 of the Act of 26 June 1974 – the Labour Code.”
3. Public procurement considering social responsibility [page 5]
Give additional 10% point on management condition mark when female·disabled friendly companies or social enterprises record construction ratio over 30% according to detailed guidelines of qualification examination on facility construction (Public Procurement guidelines)
“The implementation will be promoted by business and trade unions, general or sectorial, including representative organizations of social economy entities; as well as other institutions such as chambers of commerce, chambers abroad, universities, business schools, etc. of actions that should promote online training and advice and Resolution of queries, coordinated with those carried out in the application of the Spanish Strategy of Corporate Social Responsibility.”
Measure 6
“In accordance with the recommendations of the EU, the Government will promote information and training of SMEs and social economy entities, through all available means in business associations, and will promote the creation of sectorial forums of learning in order to discuss good practices and to reach commitments of interest for each sector.”
2 National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights 2020-23
2.2 Pillar 2: the corporate responsibility to respect human rights
2.2.2 Operational principles: human rights due diligence
Guiding Principles 16 to 21
Measure 29: Public-private partnerships to promote respect for human rights in the value chain
The federal government supports a project to promote human rights due diligence with a view to preventing the exploitation of Syrian refugees and migrant workers in neighbouring countries (Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan). The aim is to strengthen the contribution that business enterprises make to providing decent work opportunities and combatting exploitation in the textile, agricultural and construction sectors in these countries.
Promoting human rights through government procurement operations (page 8)
‘[…] the Public Construction Commission’s Procurement Evaluation Committee scoring tables for bidders include CSR indicators, such as “whether all employees have received pay increases,” “the quality of basic compensation received by procurement officers,” and “the quality of work/life balance measures.”’
This information is also covered under Appendix 4: Overview of the implementation of the state duty to protect and the access to remedy, The state duty to protect, UNGP5, Actions taken (page 44).
Appendix 1: Concrete actions taken by Taiwan to fulfill the state obligation to protect
Government procurement (pages 25-26)
‘Article 70 of the “Government Procurement Act” stipulates that an entity conducting a procurement procedure for construction work shall stipulate the responsibility of the supplier for quality control, environmental protection, as well as workplace safety and hygiene, and shall also establish inspection procedures and standards for the major items of the construction work.
Article 70-1 of the “Government Procurement Act” stipulates that in conducting the planning or design of a construction project, an entity shall analyze the potential construction hazards with an eye to the scale and characteristics of the construction project, prepare the drawings and specifications related to safety and health in accordance with the “Occupational Safety and Health Act” and its secondary regulations, and quantify related safety and health expenditures. Such information, and the requirements of the supplier to arrange or take necessary preventive equipment or measures, shall be included in the governmental tender documentation at the bidding stage. Where an occupational accident occurs at the construction site due to lack (or poor quality) of safety and health equipment or facilities as required by regulations or contract, the supplier shall not only be punished pursuant to the “Occupational Safety and Health Act” and its secondary regulations, but shall also be dealt with according to the “Government Procurement Act” and the contractual provisions.’
3. The core content of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights
3.1 Action plan on labour
3.1.3 Action Plan (2019–2022)
Pillar 1: State duties in protecting (Protect)
Responsible agencies
Time-frame (2019–2022)
Indicators (wide frame)
Compliance with National Strategy/ SDGs/UNGPs
Human trafficking and forced labour
Consider bringing measures or labour laws which are applied to the fishery sector to be used in the supervision of labour conditions in other industrial sectors such as agriculture and construction in which many migrant workers are hired
– Royal Thai Police
– Ministry of Agriculture
– Ministry of Labour
– Ministry of Industry
Number of at-risk establishments that have been examined
– National Strategy for Human Capital Development and Strengthening
– SDG 8
– UNGPs Articles 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7
3.4 Action Plan on Cross Border Investment and Multinational Enterprises
3.4.1 Overview of the situation
The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand has received complaints regarding the impact of cross-border business operations of Thai entrepreneurs, such as a Thai private company that was granted a land concession for sugarcane cultivation and established a sugar factory in Cambodia and violated the human rights of the Cambodian people. The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand and has ruled that though the company is not the action maker, the impact is considered a part of their direct responsibility in the case of affecting human rights. In the case that a private company has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Port Authority of the Union of Myanmar to operate a deep-sea port project in the Dawei Special Economic Zone Project in Myanmar, the National Human Rights Commission has investigated and found that the construction of infrastructure of the project caused human rights violation to the Myanmar people.
Section III: Additional National Action Plan Commitments
Table 2: Procurement Commitments
“The State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons and the Bureau of Overseas Building Operations will partner together to pilot a new human trafficking risk mapping process for acquisition personnel aimed at assessing and preventing risks during the design, solicitation, and monitoring of State construction contracts. Learnings will be used to apply to broader procurement efforts within State, especially contracts of high risk and high volume, and will be shared with the interagency.” (p.18)
Table 4: Technology Commitments
The Department of State will “work with Treasury to convene an interagency working group to strengthen human rights safeguards that apply to multilateral development bank funded telecommunications infrastructure projects.” (p.28)