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Betterbiz betterworld 170215 012417

[…] M cKenna, S., and Spatharou, A ., 2014. Overcoming obesity: An initial economic analysis. McKinsey Global I nstitute. Available at: com/industries/healthcare-systems-and-services/our-insigh ts/how-the-world-could-better-fight-obesity. 52 Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Deutsche Post Foundation, and McKinse y Center for Business and Environment, 2015. Growth Within: A circular economy vision for a competitive Europe . Available at: files/growth_within_report_circular_economy_in_europe. […] Continue Reading Betterbiz betterworld 170215 012417

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Nicaragua

! ! ! ! ! ! H uman!Rights!and!Business!Country!Guide! Nicaragua( ! March 2016 ! Human&Rights&and&Business&Country&Guide !Nicaragua ! 2& How!to!Use!this!Guide ! This!Human!Rights!and!Business!Country!Guide!contains!information!regarding!the!potential!and!actual! human!rights!impacts!of!businesses.!The!information!in!this!Guide!is! gathered!from!publicly!available! sources,!and!is!intended!to!help!companies!respect!human!ri ghts!and!contribute!to!development!in!their! own!operations!and!those!of!their!suppliers!and!business!partners.! ! About!the!Human!Rights!and!Business! Country!Guide!! The!Human!Rights!and!Business!Country!Guide!provides!country?specific!guidance!to!help!companies! respect!human!rights!and!contribute!to!development.! ! For!companies!to!manage!their!potential!human!rights!impacts,! they!must!have!comprehensive! information!about!the!local!human!rights!contex t!in!which!they!operate.!The!Country!Guide!provides!a! systematic!overview!of!the!human!rights!issues!that!compani es!should!be!particularly!aware!of.!For!each! issue,!it!provides!guidance!for!companies!on!how!to!ensure!respect !for!human!rights!in!their!operations! or!in!collaboration!with!suppliers!and!other!business!partners.! ! The!Country!Guide!is!not!only!a!resource,!but!a!proces s.!This!Guide!was!produced!through!a!systematic! survey!carried!out!by!the!Danish!Institute!for!Human!Ri ghts!(DIHR)!and!Nicaraguan!Union!for!Corporate! Social!Responsibility !(UNI RSE).! The!aim!of!this!Guide!is!to!improve!the!human!rights!p ractices!of! companies,!including!through!facts ?based!dialogue!regarding!the!issues!presented!here.! ! How(the(Human(Rights(and(Business(Country(Guide(can […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Nicaragua

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Belgium nba march 2021 full

[…] 1 Executive summary ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. …………….. 5 List of acronyms ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ……………….. 13 Introduction ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. …………………….. 16 1 Backgro und ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ……………… 16 2 The Belgian NBA: design and implementation ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………. 20 Pillar I – The Role of the State ………………………….. […] Continue Reading Belgium nba march 2021 full

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NAP Denmark 2014-open English

samf Danish National Action Plan March 2014 – implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Danish National Action Plan – implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights 5 Contents Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . […] Continue Reading NAP Denmark 2014-open English

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Serbia nba

[…] Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on the UN Guiding Principles on bus iness and human rights, od 16. aprila 2014, dostupno na: 4 Vidi: 5 Vidi: 6 Employment and Social Reform Programme – E“RP. Prograu reforui politike zapoÅ¡ljaÀavja i soijalve politike “ rbija je usÀojila u uaju îìíò, Àidi […] Continue Reading Serbia nba

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Mexico (Spanish)

[…] Nations Development Program Human Development Report Office, 2015: 159 Comité para la Eliminación de la Discriminación contra la Mujer, Observaciones finales, CEDAW/C/MEX/CO/7-8, 7 August 2012: Download.aspx?symbolno=CEDAW/ C/MEX/C O/7 -8&Lang=En 160 The Global Gender Gap Index 2015, Mexico: – 2015/economies/#economy=MEX 161 United Nations Development Program Human Development Report Office, 2016: -nacional-sobre-desarrollo […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Mexico (Spanish)

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South africa shadow sa nba final

[…] Business and Human Rights Frameworks South Africa April 2016 The Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria with support from the International Corporate Accountability Ro undtable (ICAR) The Centre for Human Rights at the Unive rsity of Pretor ia is both an academic department and a non-governmental organization. The Centre was established […] Continue Reading South africa shadow sa nba final

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Mexico

[…] 158 United Nations Development Program Human Development Report Office, 2015: 159 Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, Final Observations, CEDAW/C/MEX/CO/7-8, 7 August 2012: Download.aspx?symbolno=CEDAW/ C/MEX/C O/7 -8&Lang=En 160 The Global Gender Gap Index 2015, Mexico: – 2015/economies/#economy=MEX 161 United Nations Development Program Human Development Report Office, 2016: – […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Mexico

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NAP Thailand 2019-2022 Thai

NAP Thailand 2019-2022 Thai

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Kit 2020 evaluation of rbc agreements final

[…] of references 136 Annex 2. Methodology of the evaluation 145 Evaluation approach 145 Theory of change (ToC) 145 Evaluation steps 146 Data sources 147 Selection of respon dents 147 Data analysis 148 Triangulation & validity 148 Limitations 149 Eva luation of the Dutch RBC Agreements 2014 -2020: Are voluntary multi -stakeholder approaches to responsible […] Continue Reading Kit 2020 evaluation of rbc agreements final

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NAP Thailand 2019-2022 English

[…] a large number of complaints related to human rights viola�ons by businesses have increased. Therefore, Thailand commi�ed to the voluntary pledge and accepted the recommenda�ons from Swe den during the 2 nd Cycle of the UPR process, the 25 th Session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), which took place on 11 May 2016 […] Continue Reading NAP Thailand 2019-2022 English

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Tanzania human rights nap

Tanzania human rights nap

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Making socially responsible public procurement work eu publication

[…] services sector and repealing Directive 2004/17/EC (‘the Utilities Directive’). This guide refers primarily to Directive 2014/24/EU, however most of the same possibilities for pursuing SRPP also exist under the other two directives. Introduction (EN) Socially responsible public procurement (SRPP) is about achieving positive social outcomes in public contracts. Procurement affects a large number of […] Continue Reading Making socially responsible public procurement work eu publication

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Netherlands’s NBA 2020

[…] pijlers moeten worden geoperationaliseerd. De Eerste Pijler ( State Duty to Protect , UN Guiding Principles 1-10) betreft de bestaande verplichtingen van staten om mensenrechten en f undamentele vrijheden te beschermen en te realiseren. Staten zijn verplicht om, binnen hun grondgebied en/of jurisdictie, individuen te beschermen tegen mogelijke mensenrechtenschendingen door ondernemingen. Dit betekent dat […] Continue Reading Netherlands’s NBA 2020

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Globalnapsorg switzerland

[…] nd Men sch en re ch te : S ta n d d er U m se tz u ng d u rc h d en B und u nd d ie S ch w eiz e r Unte rn eh m en ‘ a n d a S u m mary t a […] Continue Reading Globalnapsorg switzerland

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Jchr hrb 2017 inquiry

[…] ),  Penny McLean (Committee Specialist), Shabana Gulma (Specialist  Assistant), Miguel Boo Fraga (Senior Committee Assistant) and Heathe r  Fuller (Lords Committee Assistant). Contacts All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the Joint  Committee on Human Rights, Committee Office, House of Commons,  London SW1A 0AA. The telephone number for general enquiries is 020  7219 2467; the Committee’s email address is 1 Human Rights and Business 2017: Promoting responsibility and ensuring a ccountability Contents Summary 5 1 Introduction 8 Our inquiry 8 Conducting the inquiry  8 The structure of this report  9 2 Backgro und 10 Previous work by this Committee 10 European Convention on Human Rights  10 The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights  10 The UK National Action Plan  11 National Action Plan update  12 3 The interaction between human rights and business 13 Who are the victims of human rights abuses?  13 Human rights abuses in the garment and textiles sector  14 Tu r ke […] Continue Reading Jchr hrb 2017 inquiry

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Official report on the first nap

[…] conforme aux Principes 6 Une étude commandée par la Confédération montre que 49% des entreprises suisses utilisent le standard GRI : H. Winistörfer et al ., Bedeutung und Stellenwert der OECD -Leitsätze für Multinationale Unternehmen in der Schweiz , Zürich: 2018. 9/15 directeurs de l’ONU . Les entreprises qui relèvent de GRI doivent donc […] Continue Reading Official report on the first nap

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Working outline of irelands national plan on business and human rights 2016 2019

[…] es with regard to bus iness and human rights. 2 The UNGPs include 31 principles that are structured according to th ree pillars. The principles are gro unded in recognition of: 1. “tates[ eÆistivg oligatiovs to Œespet, pŒotet avd fulfil huuav Œights avd f uvdauevtal freedoms. 2. The role of business enterprises as organs […] Continue Reading Working outline of irelands national plan on business and human rights 2016 2019

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Csr action plan 2020 2023 of federal council french

[…] -10-16-173 -die -umsetzung -der -richtlinie -201495eu -csr -richtlinie -in-verchiede- nen -mmitgliedstaaten -der -eu.pdf . 7 www.csr > Politik > CSR national > Aktivitäte n der B undesregierung > Berliner CSR -Konsens. 8 Principes directeurs de l’ONU relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme : plan d’action national de la Suisse 2020 -2023 […] Continue Reading Csr action plan 2020 2023 of federal council french

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Peru_Hidrocarburos – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

[…] de Promoción de la Formalización en América Latina y El Caribe FTCCP Federación de Trabajadores en Construcción Civil del Perú GEM Gravamen Especial a la Minería GIZ Deutsche Gesellscha� für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GTPE Grupo de Trabajo del Poder Ejecutivo para el PNA ICMM International Council on Mining and Metals IDEHPUCP Instituto de Democracia y […] Continue Reading Peru_Hidrocarburos – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

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