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Eu study on due diligence requirements through the supply chain

[…] European Commission documents is regulated by Decision 2011/833/EU (OJ L 330, 14.12.2011, p. 39). For any use or reproduction of photos or other material that is not under the copyright of the European Union (*), permission must be sought directly from the copyright holders. PDF ISBN 978 -92 -76 -15094 -7 doi: 10.2838/39830 DS […] Continue Reading Eu study on due diligence requirements through the supply chain

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NAP Uganda 2021-2026 English

MINISTRY OF GENDER, LABOUR AND SOCIALDEVELOPMENT THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA THE NATIONAL ACTION PLAN ON BUSINESS AND H UMAN RIGHTS AUGUST 2021 Table of Contents FOREWORD …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ………………………………………………………………………………………….. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT …………………………………………………………………………………………… vi ACRONYMS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. vii DEFINITION OF CONCEPTS …………………………………………………………………………………….. ix CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………………… 1 1.1 Background ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1 1.2 Problem […] Continue Reading NAP Uganda 2021-2026 English

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Public Procurement and Human Rights – A Survey of Twenty Jurisdictions

[…] building. DIHR works in partnership with state institutions, national human rights institutions, business, and civil society organisations in over 30 countries worldwide. The International Corporate Accountability Ro undtable (ICAR) is a coalition of human rights, environmental, labour, and development organizations that creates, promotes, and defends legal frameworks to ensure corporations respect human rights in […] Continue Reading Public Procurement and Human Rights – A Survey of Twenty Jurisdictions

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Chile s nba

ESTUDIO DE LÍNEA BASE SOBRE EMPRESAS Y DERECHOS H UMANOS CHILE Marzo de 2016 Dra. Judith Schönsteiner, Autora responsable Fernando Araya, Pablo Soto, Karla Varas, co -autores Facultad de Derecho, UDP Versión 17.3.2016 © Schönsteiner et al. contacto de autores: 2 ESTUDIO DE LINEA BAS E NACIONAL (LBN) SOBRE EMPRESAS Y DE RECHOS […] Continue Reading Chile s nba

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2018 12 20 pm magere halbzeitbilanz zum nap cora dgb forummr venro

Magere Halbzeit bilanz zum deutschen Aktionsplan für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte: Gewerkschaften und N RO fordern Gesetz zur Unternehmensverantwortung Berlin, 20.12.2018. Zwei Jahre nach Verabschiedung des Nationalen Aktionsplans für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte am 21.12.2016 haben der DGB , das Forum Menschenrechte, VENRO und das CorA – Netzwerk für Unternehmensverantwortung eine ernüchternde Halbzeit bila nz gezogen […] Continue Reading 2018 12 20 pm magere halbzeitbilanz zum nap cora dgb forummr venro

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Public procurement and human rights a survey of twenty jurisdictions

[…] building. DIHR works in partnership with state institutions, national human rights institutions, business, and civil society organisations in over 30 countries worldwide. The International Corporate Accountability Ro undtable (ICAR) is a coalition of human rights, environmental, labour, and development organizations that creates, promotes, and defends legal frameworks to ensure corporations respect human rights in […] Continue Reading Public procurement and human rights a survey of twenty jurisdictions

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NAP Finland 2014-2016 English

[…] Tiivistelmä | Referat | Abstract Asiasanat | Nyckelord | Key words industrial policy, human rights, public administration, business, social responsibility, companies, corporate responsibility Painettu julkaisu | Inbun den publikation | Printed publication Verkkojulkaisu | Nätpublikation | Web publication ISSN ISBN ISSN 1797-3562 ISBN 978-952-227-900-2 Kokonaissivumäärä | Sidoantal | Pages 34 Kieli | Språk | […] Continue Reading NAP Finland 2014-2016 English

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Myanmar

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! ! ! Human!Rights!and!Business!Country!Guide! Myanmar! April!2015! Human!Rights!and!Business!Country!Guide!Myanmar ! 2! Table!of!Contents ! ! How!to!Use!this!Guide!……………………………………………………………………………………….. !3! Backgro und!&!Context !……………………………………………………………………………………….. !8! Rights-Holders-at-Risk- Rights!Holders!at!Risk!in!the!Workplace !…………………………………………………………… !15 ! Rights!Holders!at!Risk!in!the!Community! ………………………………………………………….. !25 ! Labour-Standards – Child!Labour !………………………………………………………………………………………………….. !38 ! Forced!Labour! ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. !46 ! Occupational!Health!&!Safety !…………………………………………………………………………. !52 ! Tra de!Unions !…………………………………………………………………………………………………. !58 ! […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Myanmar

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Decent Working Conditions for Formal and Informal Workers

[…] e N BA o n B H R, p le a se c o n ta ct :   a n an ya@ m an ush yafo und atio n.o rg  E m il ie P ra dic h it F ou n der & D ir e cto r M an ush ya […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Decent Working Conditions for Formal and Informal Workers

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Migrants workers

[…] e N BA o n B H R, p le a se c o n ta ct :   a n an ya@ m an ush yafo und atio n.o rg  E m il ie P ra dic h it F ou n der & D ir e cto r M an ush ya […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Migrants workers

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Stakeholder analysis swiss nap 2020 2023

[…] to a parliamentary request. The Federal Council based its document on a study commissionned by the Federal administration « Bestandaufnahme über die Umsetzung der UNO-Leitprinzipiem für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte durch den Bund und durch Schweizer Unternehmenn ». This study sets out the current status and contains a series of recommendations, only part of which […] Continue Reading Stakeholder analysis swiss nap 2020 2023

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Argentina

[…] rights might be affected by your operations.  Engage with civil society organisations, government bodies or i nternational organisation s on human rights-related issues.  Provide backgro und information for auditors.  Establish or collaborate with mechanisms for workers, communiti es and other whose human rights might be affected by your operations.  Contribute […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Argentina

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Serbia

[…] human rights might be affected by your operations.  Engage with civil society organisations, government bodies or international organ isations on human rights-related issues.  Provide backgro und information for auditors.  Establish or collaborate with mechanisms for workers, communities and other wh ose human rights might be affected by your operations.  Contribute […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Serbia

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Business and Human Rights Guide to South Africa

[…]     Community Impacts Security & Conflict   Human Rights and Business Country Guide  South Africa  2015   119  Endnotes                                                                           1 Department of Government Communication and Informatio n System, Pocket Guide to South Africa 2012/13 ‐  History, 2012: esourcecentre/pocketguide/2012/01%20History%20BR.p df   2  National Planning Commission, National Development Pla n 2030, November 2011: /MediaLib/ Downloads/Downloads/Executive%20Summary ‐NDP%202030%20 ‐ %20Our%20future%20 ‐%20make%20it%20work.pdf and The Telegraph, Nelson Mande la obituary part six: guiding  South Africa from Apartheid to democracy, 5 December 2013: ews/worldnews/nelson‐mandela/9824632/Nelson ‐Mandela ‐obituary ‐part ‐six ‐ guiding ‐South ‐Africa ‐from ‐Apartheid ‐to ‐democracy.html and The Economist, Over the rainbow, 20 October 201 2: ‐it ‐has ‐made ‐progress […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to South Africa

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Investments & Trade Agreements

[…] T H AI O UTB O UN D I N VEST M EN TS # T haiB H RN etw ork Man u sh ya F o undatio n & T hai B H R N etw ork , T he I m pact o f I n vestm en ts a nd F […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Investments & Trade Agreements

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Fco human rights and democracy report 2017

[…] EU and other like- minded countries represented in Ashgabat, as well as bilaterally, to raise human rights concerns with the Turkmen government and to press for download/uzbekistan.pdf reform. Using project funding, we will continue to support the human rights work of UNDP and the OSCE, as well as local NGOs where possible, focusing […] Continue Reading Fco human rights and democracy report 2017

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Kenya nba final

[…] of business with respect to human rights . The UNGPs are a set of 31 principles that operationalize th e ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ framework whose f undamentals are that: states have the obligation to protect, respect, and fulfil human rights and fundamental freedoms including protectin g against human rights abuses by third parties […] Continue Reading Kenya nba final

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Exploitative Labour Practices

[…] e N BA o n B H R, p le a se c o n ta ct :   a n an ya@ m an ush yafo und atio n.o rg  E m il ie P ra dic h it F ou n der & D ir e cto r M an ush ya […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Exploitative Labour Practices

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[…] human rights might be affected by your operations.  Engage with civil society organisations, government bodies or international organ isations on human rights-related issues.  Provide backgro und information for auditors.  Establish or collaborate with mechanisms for workers, communities and other wh ose human rights might be affected by your operations.  Contribute […] Continue Reading business-and-human-rights-guide-to-serbia-english

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Bangladesh

[…] How the Human Rights and Business Country Guide can b e used by companies  • Develop company policies and procedures related to h uman rights issues in the local environment.  • Assess and track the potential human rights impacts of your own operat ions or in suppliers,  business partners and investments.    • Raise awareness among staff, su ppliers and other business partners.    • Engage with workers, potentially affected communities,  consumers and other stakeholders whose  human rights might be affected by your operations.   • Engage with civil society organisations, government bod ies or international organisations on  human rights ‐related issues.    • Provide backgro und information for auditors.   • Establish or collaborate with mechanisms for workers, co mmunities and other whose human rights  might be affected by your operations.   • Contribute to development initiatives that align with human development  needs and priorities in  the local context.   How the Human Rights and Business Country Guide can b e used by governments   • Review and reform pu blic policy and legislation relevant to the human rights impacts of  business,  including in the areas of labour, environment, land, equal treatment , anti‐corruption, taxation,  consumer protection or corporate reporting.   How to Use this Guide  Human Rights and Business Country Guide   Bangladesh   […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Bangladesh

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