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[…] How the Human Rights and Business Country Guide can b e used by companies  • Develop company policies and procedures related to h uman rights issues in the local environment.  • Assess and track the potential human rights impacts of your own operat ions or in suppliers,  business partners and investments.    • Raise awareness among s taff, suppliers and other business partners.    • Engage with workers, potentially affected communities,  consumers and other stakeholders whose  human rights might be affected by your operations.   • Engage with civil society organisations, government bod ies or international organisations on  human rights ‐related issues.    • Provide backgro und information for auditors.   • Establish or collaborate with mechanisms for workers, co mmunities and other whose human rights  might be affected by your operations.   • Contribute to development initiatives that align with human development  needs and priorities in  the local context.   How the Human Rights and Business Country Guide can b e used by governments   • Review and reform public policy and legislation relevant to the human  rights impacts of business,  including in the areas of labour, environment, land, equal treatment , anti‐corruption, taxation,  consumer protection or corporate reporting.   • Ensure respect for human rights in the state’s own bus iness affairs such as state‐owned companies,  sov ereign wealth funds and other investments, public procurement,  development assistance,  […] Continue Reading business-and-human-rights-guide-to-malawi

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Globalnapsorg luxembourg 1st nap

Globalnapsorg luxembourg 1st nap

Read more about Globalnapsorg luxembourg 1st nap


[…] How!the!Human!Rights!and!Business!Country!Guide!can!be !used!by!companies! • Develop!company! policies!and!procedures!related!to!human!rights!issues!in!the!local!e nvironment.! • Assess!and!track!the!potential!human!rights!impacts!of!your!own!operat ions!or!in!suppliers,! business!partners!and!investments.! ! • Raise!awareness!among!staff,!suppliers!and!othe r!business!partners.!! • Engage!with!workers,!potentially!affected!communities,! consumers!and!other!stakeholders!whose! human!rights!might!be!affected!by!your!operations. ! • Engage!with!civil!society!organisations,!government!bod ies!or!international!organisations!on!human! rights 9related!issues.! ! • Provide!backgro und!information!for!auditors. ! • Establish!or!collaborate!with!mechanisms!for!workers,!co mmunities!and!other!whose!human!rights! might!be!affected!by!your!operations. ! • Contribute!to!development!initiatives!that! align!with!human!development!needs!and!priorities!in! the!local!context. ! • How!the!Human!Rights!and!Business!Country!Guide!can!be !used!by!governments!! • Review!and!reform!public!policy!and!legislation!relevant!to!the!human! rights!impacts!of!business,! including!in!the!areas!of!labour,!environment,!land,!equal!treatmen t,!anti9corruption,!taxation,! consumer!protection!or!corporate!reporting. ! How&to&Use&this&Guide& Human&Rights&and&Business&Country&Guide !Brazil ! 3& […] Continue Reading business-and-human-rights-guide-to-brazil

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NAP France 2017-open French

NAP France 2017-open French

Read more about NAP France 2017-open French

NAP France 2017-open English

[…] of 10 July 1991 on legal aid). Under this Act, legal aid is awarded to French citizens and European and non-European nationals on the basis of means testing. Non-European nationals must also show that France is their habitual and lawful place of residence. However, exceptions have been created to the residency and means testing […] Continue Reading NAP France 2017-open English

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National Baseline Assessment

1 2 The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) is an independent government institution established under Article 129 of the Constitut ion of the United Republic of Tanzania (1977), with the mandates to promote, protect and preserve human rights in Tanzania. CHRAGG is partnering with the Netherlands-based Cent re for Research on […] Continue Reading National Baseline Assessment

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Chile

Guía de Derechos Humanos y Empresas en Chile Contenido Contenido ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2 Como usar esta Guía ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Antece dentes y Contexto ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 Titulares de Derecho en Riesgo en el Lugar de Trabajo ………………………………………………………… 16 Titulares de Derecho en Riesgo en la Comunidad ………………………………………………………………… 42 Trabajo Infantil ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 64 Trabajo Forzado …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 76 […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Chile

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Peru_Conflictividad social – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

El presente documento constituye una evaluaciĂłn crĂ­tico-re�exiva basada en evi dencia, construida a partir del insumo inicial elaborado por el Instituto de Ética y Desarrollo de la Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya. Ha sido revisado por la DirecciĂłn General de Derechos Humanos, el Grupo de Trabajo del Poder Ejecutivo para el PNA y la […] Continue Reading Peru_Conflictividad social – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

Read more about Peru_Conflictividad social – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

NAP Swiss 2020-2023 English

[…] coherence ………………………………………………………………………. 5 2 National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights 2020- 23 ……………………………………… 7 2.1 Pillar 1: state duty to protect …………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 2.1.1 Fo undational principles ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 2.1.2 Operational principles: legislative and information policy measures ………………………………… 8 2.1.3 The State-business nexus ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 12 2.1.4 Business respect for human rights in […] Continue Reading NAP Swiss 2020-2023 English

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Kertas kebijakan urgensi ran ham

[…] rentan lainnya. 4. Rencana Aksi Nasional penting untuk diatur lebih lanjut menjadi norma yang memilik daya laku yang lebih efektif dengan cara menempatkannya dalam hierarki peraturan per undang -undangan, mengingat ruang lingkup pengaturan relasi bisnis dan HAM yang sangat luas; 5. Rencana Aksi Nasional Bisnis dan HAM perlu diatur lebih lanjut melalui peraturan p […] Continue Reading Kertas kebijakan urgensi ran ham

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[…] of the Senior Experts’ Group on systemic Rule of Law issues relatin g to the communications interception revealed in Spring 2015, June 2015: files/20150619_recommendations_of_the_senior_experts_group.pdf 100 11 Deutsche Welle, Macedonia parties agree on election day in December, 31.08.2016: on-election-date- in-december/a-19517204 12 European Commission, Commission Staff Working Document: Report 2015, 2015: yugoslav_r epublic_of_macedonia.pdf […] Continue Reading business-and-human-rights-guide-to-macedonia-albanian-2017

Read more about business-and-human-rights-guide-to-macedonia-albanian-2017


[…] of the Senior Experts’ Group on systemic Rule of Law issues relati ng to the communications interception revealed in Spring 2015, June 2015: ws- files/20150619_recommendations_of_the_senior_experts_group.pdf 11 Deutsche Welle, Macedonia parties agree on election day in December, 31.08.2016: on-election-date- in-december/a-19517204 12 European Commission, Commission Staff Working Document: Report 2015, 2015: yugoslav_r epublic_of_macedonia.pdf […] Continue Reading business-and-human-rights-guide-to-macedonia-english

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Situation of human rights defenders

[…] the provisional agenda* * Promotion and protection of human rights: human rights questions, including alternative approaches f or improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and f undamental freedoms Situation of human rights defenders Note by the Secretary -General T he Secretary -General has the honour to transmit to the General A ssembly the […] Continue Reading Situation of human rights defenders

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Report of the working group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporation and other business enterprises on its mission to mexico

Report of the working group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporation and other business enterprises on its mission to mexico

Read more about Report of the working group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporation and other business enterprises on its mission to mexico

Business and Human Rights Guide to Kenya

[…] 2014:,,,,KEN,,55a61f794,0.html 114 Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat, Mixed Migration in Kenya, 2013: 115 A/HRC/WG.6/21/KEN/2, para. 27 116 Human Rights Watch, Kenya: Court to Hear Forced Anal Testing Case , 2016: -court -he ar-forced -anal –testing -case 117 The Independent, Civil rights group launches challenge to Kenya’s strict anti -gay laws , 2016: […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Kenya

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Peru_Trabajo infantil – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

1 Informe sobre trabajo infantil El presente documento constituye una evaluaciĂłn crĂ­tico-re�exiva basada en evi dencia, construida a partir del insumo inicial elaborado por el Instituto de Ética y Desarrollo de la Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya. Ha sido revisado por la DirecciĂłn General de Derechos Humanos, el Grupo de Trabajo del Poder Ejecutivo […] Continue Reading Peru_Trabajo infantil – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

Read more about Peru_Trabajo infantil – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

Peru_Libertad de asociaciĂłn y negociaciĂłn colectiva – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

Peru_Libertad de asociaciĂłn y negociaciĂłn colectiva – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

Read more about Peru_Libertad de asociaciĂłn y negociaciĂłn colectiva – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

Colombia annual report on nap implementation 2016 17 english

Colombia annual report on nap implementation 2016 17 english

Read more about Colombia annual report on nap implementation 2016 17 english

Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 it zu bra eda wbf

Der B undesrat 1 Principi guida delle Nazioni Unite su imprese e diritti umani Piano d ’azione nazionale della Svizzera 2020 – 2023 del 15 gennaio 2020 2 Indice 1 Introduzione ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. . 3 1.1 Principi guida dell’ONU su imprese e diritti umani ………………………….. ………………………….. …….. 4 1.2 Posizione del Consiglio […] Continue Reading Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 it zu bra eda wbf

zu bra eda wbf">Read more about Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 it zu bra eda wbf

Ilo global estimates of modern slavery forced labour and forced marraige

Ilo global estimates of modern slavery forced labour and forced marraige

Read more about Ilo global estimates of modern slavery forced labour and forced marraige