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Peru_Libertad de asociación y negociación colectiva – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

Peru_Libertad de asociación y negociación colectiva – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

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Colombia annual report on nap implementation 2016 17 english

Colombia annual report on nap implementation 2016 17 english

Read more about Colombia annual report on nap implementation 2016 17 english

Georgia national baseline assessment geo

[…] საერთაშორისო და რეგიონულ ინსტრუმენტებს ? 10ევროპის უშიშროებისა და თანამშრომლობის თათბირის დასკვნითი (ჰელსინ კის ოქმი ), ჰელსინკი , 1975, ხელმისაწვდომია ინგლისურ ენაზე შემდეგ მისამართზე : -final -act? download=true . 11 ევროპის უშიშროებისა და თანამშრომლობის თათბირის დასკვნითი (ვენის ოქმი ), ვენა 1989, ხელმისაწვდომია ინგლისურ ენაზე შემდეგ მისამართზე : . 11 ინდიკატორები მიმოხილვითი შეკითხვები ადამიანის […] Continue Reading Georgia national baseline assessment geo

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Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 fr zu bra eda wbf

Der B undesrat 1 Principes directeurs de l ’ONU relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l ’homme Plan d ’action national de la Suisse 2020 -2023 Du 15 janvier 2020 2 Table des matières 1 Introduction ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. . 3 1.1 Principes directeurs de l’ONU relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits […] Continue Reading Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 fr zu bra eda wbf

zu bra eda wbf">Read more about Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 fr zu bra eda wbf

Ilo global estimates of modern slavery forced labour and forced marraige

Ilo global estimates of modern slavery forced labour and forced marraige

Read more about Ilo global estimates of modern slavery forced labour and forced marraige

Business and Human Rights Guide to Mexico

[…] propiedad, transparencia, seguridad y conflicto.  Acceso a Remedio identifica los diferentes mecanismos de remedio que se encuentran disponibles para atender las violaciones a los derechos humanos. Siempre que fuera posible, se incluye igualmente información sobre la efectividad de esos mecan ismos, así como el número de casos que ya han sido atendidos.  […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Mexico

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Fco human rights and democracy report 2013

[…] these formal meetings, we have continued to engage informally with key experts on all aspects of the draft. In early 2014, we will carry out grassroots field testing of the Protocol and regional consultation, which will feed into the drafting process. Working through the UN A central element of our approach has been close […] Continue Reading Fco human rights and democracy report 2013

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Swiss National Action Plan 2020–23_ENG

Der B undesrat 1 UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Swiss National Action Plan 20 20 – 23 15 January 2020 2 Table of contents 1 Introduction ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. . 3 1.1 UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ………………………….. …………………………. 4 1.2 Position of the Federal Council on […] Continue Reading Swiss National Action Plan 2020–23_ENG

Read more about Swiss National Action Plan 2020–23_ENG

Peru_Derechos de las personas migrantes extranjeras – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

El presente documento constituye una evaluación crítico-re�exiva basada en evi dencia, construida a partir del insumo inicial elaborado y revisado por la Dirección General de Derechos Humanos, el Grupo de Trabajo del Poder Ejecutivo para el PNA y la Mesa Multiactor para la elaboración del PNA. Incorpora, en lo que corresponde según lo indicado […] Continue Reading Peru_Derechos de las personas migrantes extranjeras – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

Read more about Peru_Derechos de las personas migrantes extranjeras – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

Fco human rights and democracy report 2014

[…] gathered with integrity and professionalism. To ensure that the views and experiences of local practitioners were reflected in the protocol, we carried out a number of field testing and regional consultations in the DRC , Colombia , Uganda , and Bosnia and Herzegovina , and with London-based survivor networks, in early 2014. Since its […] Continue Reading Fco human rights and democracy report 2014

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Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 it zu bra eda wbf

Der B undesrat 1 Principi guida delle Nazioni Unite su imprese e diritti umani Piano d ’azione nazionale della Svizzera 2020 – 2023 del 15 gennaio 2020 2 Indice 1 Introduzione ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. . 3 1.1 Principi guida dell’ONU su imprese e diritti umani ………………………….. ………………………….. …….. 4 1.2 Posizione del Consiglio […] Continue Reading Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 it zu bra eda wbf

zu bra eda wbf">Read more about Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 it zu bra eda wbf

Fco human rights and democracy report 2016

[…] place in areas vacated by the FARC as illegal armed groups have stepped in. The Colombian Government has taken welcome steps to investigate some of / Download.aspx?symbolno=CCPR/C/COL /CO/7&Lang=Enthose murders and in December the President announced the formation of a new commission, involving the military, police, government and civil society to help accelerate investigations […] Continue Reading Fco human rights and democracy report 2016

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Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 fr zu bra eda wbf

Der B undesrat 1 Principes directeurs de l ’ONU relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l ’homme Plan d ’action national de la Suisse 2020 -2023 Du 15 janvier 2020 2 Table des matières 1 Introduction ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. . 3 1.1 Principes directeurs de l’ONU relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits […] Continue Reading Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 fr zu bra eda wbf

zu bra eda wbf">Read more about Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 fr zu bra eda wbf

Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 en zu bra eda wbf

Der B undesrat 1 UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Swiss National Action Plan 20 20 – 23 15 January 2020 2 Table of contents 1 Introduction ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. ………………………….. . 3 1.1 UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ………………………….. …………………………. 4 1.2 Position of the Federal Council on […] Continue Reading Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 en zu bra eda wbf

zu bra eda wbf">Read more about Beilage 01 principes directeurs de l’onu relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme plan d’action national de la suisse 2020 2023 en zu bra eda wbf

NAP Swiss 2020-2023 Italian

[…] 1 The Commodity Trading Sector – Guidance on Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights 2 Bestandsaufnahme über die Umsetzung der UNO-Leitprinzipien für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte durch den Bund und durch Schweizer Unternehmen (14.12.2018) , realizzato dal gruppo di consulenti twentyfifty Ltd (disponibile solo in tedesco). 3 Rapporto del 14 dicembre […] Continue Reading NAP Swiss 2020-2023 Italian

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NAP Swiss 2020-2023 French

[…] 1 The Commodity Trading Sector – Guidance on Implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights 2 Bestandsaufnahme über die Umsetzung der UNO-Leitprinzipien für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte durch den Bund und durch Schweizer Unternehmen (14.12.2018) , réalisée par le groupe de consultants twentyfifty Ltd (disponible en allemand uniquement). 3 Rapport du 14 […] Continue Reading NAP Swiss 2020-2023 French

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Luxembourg NHRI – Prise de position entreprises et droits de l homme version finale

[…] CCDH estime entre autres que l’assurance publique à l’exportation , l’Office du Ducroire, devrait faire l’objet d’une 32 6zero1 ; Alsa ; Forestry and Climate Change F und ; Investing for Development SICAV ; LuxConnect ; LuxDev ; Luxembourg Congrès; Luxembourg Treasury Securities SA; GOVSAT; BCEE; SNCFL; SNCI; LUXTRAM; LUXAIRPORT; Société de dével oppement […] Continue Reading Luxembourg NHRI – Prise de position entreprises et droits de l homme version finale

Read more about Luxembourg NHRI – Prise de position entreprises et droits de l homme version finale

Business and Human Rights Guide to Chile

[…] Contenido de la Guía de País ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9 Sobre el Instituto Nacio nal de Derechos Humanos (INDH) …………………………………………………………………….13 Sobre el Instituto Danés de Derechos Humanos (IDDH) ………………………………………………………………………..13 Antece dentes y Contexto ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….14 Contexto político …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14 Contexto socioeconómico ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16 Estadísticas políticas, económica s y sociales ……………………………………………………………………………………. 18 Compromisos legales internacionales ……………………………………………………………………………………………..20 Grupos de especial protección …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23 […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Chile

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NAP Peru 2021-2025 Spanish

[…] de dirigir la plani�cación, ejecución y supervisión de los procesos de los sistemas administrativos de presupuesto, abastecimiento, contabilidad y tesorería; así como, el control patrimonial e infraestructura, dentro del ámbito de su competencia, en el marco de la normativa sobre la materia, los lineamientos que establezca el Ministerio del Interior y las disposiciones del […] Continue Reading NAP Peru 2021-2025 Spanish

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NAP Peru 2021-2025 English

[…] Mechanism for the Protec�on of Human Rights Defenders, approved by Supreme Decree Nº004- 2021-JUS, published in the o�cial gaze�e El Peruano (April 22, 2021). Available at: h�ps:// download/url/decreto-supremo- que-crea-el-mecanismo-intersectorial-para-la-decreto-supremo-n-004-2021-jus-1946184-4 People with disabili�es According to the Na�onal Mul�sectoral Policy on Disability for Development to 2030, structural dis- crimina�on against persons with disabili�es is a public […] Continue Reading NAP Peru 2021-2025 English

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