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Ohchr arp i

[…] ssist with design, set up, testing, piloting and launch of O pen Survey and publicity for Open Process. Depending on the number and spread of responses received und er the Open Process, OHCHR is likely to require assistance from academics and legal experts in various jurisdictions to verify and cross-check results. OHCHR will also […] Continue Reading Ohchr arp i

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Development finance institutions

[…] often do. Development Finance Institutions can also contribute to women empowerment, gender equality and women in leadership with their investments. In 2018, 14 development finance institutions, including  Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft, jointly launched the “Gender Finance Collaborative” to increase the impact of investment capital provided by the DFIs toward women as entrepreneurs, fund leaders, […] Continue Reading Development finance institutions

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This page looks specifically at the Swiss National Action Plan 2020–23 on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles, which was adopted on 15 January 2020. This page does not specifically address the Action Plan 2020-2023 on corporate social responsibility (available in French), which was  adopted on 15 January 2020. Information on the process and […] Continue Reading Switzerland

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Peru

[…] Standards & Guidance   NGO and institutional resources to enhance human rig hts due diligence efforts by  businesses. These resou rces are drawn from the Business & Human Rights Resou rce  Centre   • International Alert, Conflict Sensitive Business Practices: Guidance fo r Extractive Industries (2005):  International Alert is a peace ‐building NGO working with civilians and other affected sta keholders in  conflict areas. This Guidance is intended for companies in  the extractive industries sector, providing  advice on conflict ‐sensitive business practices and the ways in which they can con tribute to peace‐ building.   • International Alert and Fafo In stitute, Red Flags: Liability Risks for Companies Operat ing in High‐Risk  Zones (2008): The Red Flags address illicit business activities  und er international and national law.  The initiative’s objective is to clearly define what ty pes of activities, when committed or aided by  businesses, represent breaches of international humanitarian law and  international criminal law.  • International Commission of Jurists, Report of the Expert Legal Pane l on Corporate Complicity in  International Crimes (2008): This three vo lume report outlines the ICJ Expert Legal Panel’s findings  and recommendations with regard to corporate legal responsibilit y for complicity in international  crimes, under both civil and criminal law.   • The Dodd ‐Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protectio n Act (2010): Section 1502 of the Act  requires public and private companies to disclose the use  of any conflict minerals in their products.  This promotes greater transparency and dissuades companies  from engaging in trade that may  support regional conflicts.   • International Committee of the Red Cross, Business and Internationa […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Peru

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Uganda

[…]     • Where relevant the company has put in place special  health and safety precautions for pregnant women,  employees with disabilities, night workers, young workers and  other vulnerable groups.  Does the compa ny ensure that workers are provided with the protective equipment and trai ning necessary to  perform their tasks safely?   • The company has a procedure to ensure that all workers are  provided, free of charge or deposits, with the  protective equipment necessary  to safely perform their job functions.   • The company is committed to ensuring that workers use  the protective equipment provided and  understand why it is necessary to use the equipment.   • The company ensures that all workers have the necessary t raining to safely perform their job functions and  keeps workers fully informed, in a language and form  und erstandable to them, of the health and safety  procedures.   • An accurate record is kept of who has been trained and for what tasks .  • On a regular basis and when assigne d to new tasks, workers receive training in the safe use of e quipment  and processes.   • A company function or member of staff is responsible for keeping inform ed of scientific and technological  developments regarding health and safety risks and protective equ ipment.  Does the  company actively involve workers in health and safety work?   • The company consults employees on health and safety issu es either directly or through a freely elected  safety representative(s) for relevant groups of employe es.  • […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Uganda

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on CommunityRights, Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Impact-min

[…] e N BA o n B H R, p le a se c o n ta ct :   a n an ya@ m an ush yafo und atio n.o rg  E m il ie P ra dic h it F ou n der & D ir e cto r M an ush ya […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on CommunityRights, Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Impact-min

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Land-related Rights in the context of BHR-min

[…] e N BA o n B H R, p le a se c o n ta ct :   a n an ya@ m an ush yafo und atio n.o rg  E m il ie P ra dic h it F ou n der & D ir e cto r M an ush ya […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Land-related Rights in the context of BHR-min

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Land-related Rights in the context of BHR-min

[…] e N BA o n B H R, p le a se c o n ta ct :   a n an ya@ m an ush yafo und atio n.o rg  E m il ie P ra dic h it F ou n der & D ir e cto r M an ush ya […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Land-related Rights in the context of BHR-min

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on CommunityRights, Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Impact-min

[…] e N BA o n B H R, p le a se c o n ta ct :   a n an ya@ m an ush yafo und atio n.o rg  E m il ie P ra dic h it F ou n der & D ir e cto r M an ush ya […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on CommunityRights, Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Impact-min

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[…] Rio!Tinto:!Human!Rights!Policy:! ments/ReportsPublications/Human_rights_policy.pdf ! 152 ! UNESCO!Office!in!Brasilia,!New!research!about!favelas! is!launched!during!international!seminar!in!Rio! de!Janeiro,!September!2012:! /about9this 9office/single 9 view/news/new_research_about_slums_to_be_launched_duri ng_international_seminar_in_rio_de_jan eiro/ ! 153 ! On!August!30,!2013,!the!United!Nations!Development!P rogramme!(UNDP)!and!the!Danish!Institute! for!Human!Rights!(DIHR)!hosted!the! ‘Pillars!in!Practice ‘!multi 9stakeholder!workshop!in!Medellin,! Colombia!as!part!of!the!First!Regional!Forum!on!Human!Rights!and!Business. !Participants!included! company,!government!and!civil!society!representatives!from!aro und!the!region.!Together,!stakeholders! formulated!recommendations!aimed!at!helping!to!ensure!busin ess!respect!for!human!rights ! 154 !Secretaria!de!Politicas!de!Promocao!da!Igualdade!Racial,!Trabalho,!2015: ! ! 155 !Secretaria!de!Politicas!de!Promocao!da!Igualdade!Racial,!Trabalho,!2015: ! ! 156 !Plano!Mais!Brasil,!Politicas!para!as!Mulheres,!2015: ! 9 transv ersais/programas.xhtml?agenda=5 !! 157 !Plano!Mais!Brasil,!Politicas!para!as!Mulheres,!2015: ! 9 […] Continue Reading business-and-human-rights-guide-to-brazil

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NAP France 2017-open French

NAP France 2017-open French

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NAP France 2017-open English

[…] of 10 July 1991 on legal aid). Under this Act, legal aid is awarded to French citizens and European and non-European nationals on the basis of means testing. Non-European nationals must also show that France is their habitual and lawful place of residence. However, exceptions have been created to the residency and means testing […] Continue Reading NAP France 2017-open English

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National Baseline Assessment

[…] operating in Tarime District, emptied poisonous chemicals in Tigite River. There are also allegations of dust pollution around quarrying, extractive and cement industries, and water pollution aro und textile industries. In the case of Zanzibar, there are reported incidents of l and degradation due to sand extraction and dynamite fishing that destroys fish breeding […] Continue Reading National Baseline Assessment

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Brazil

[…] Rio!Tinto:!Human!Rights!Policy:! ments/ReportsPublications/Human_rights_policy.pdf ! 152 ! UNESCO!Office!in!Brasilia,!New!research!about!favelas! is!launched!during!international!seminar!in!Rio! de!Janeiro,!September!2012:! /about9this 9office/single 9 view/news/new_research_about_slums_to_be_launched_duri ng_international_seminar_in_rio_de_jan eiro/ ! 153 ! On!August!30,!2013,!the!United!Nations!Development!P rogramme!(UNDP)!and!the!Danish!Institute! for!Human!Rights!(DIHR)!hosted!the! ‘Pillars!in!Practice ‘!multi 9stakeholder!workshop!in!Medellin,! Colombia!as!part!of!the!First!Regional!Forum!on!Human!Rights!and!Business. !Participants!included! company,!government!and!civil!society!representatives!from!aro und!the!region.!Together,!stakeholders! formulated!recommendations!aimed!at!helping!to!ensure!busin ess!respect!for!human!rights ! 154 !Secretaria!de!Politicas!de!Promocao!da!Igualdade!Racial,!Trabalho,!2015: ! ! 155 !Secretaria!de!Politicas!de!Promocao!da!Igualdade!Racial,!Trabalho,!2015: ! ! 156 !Plano!Mais!Brasil,!Politicas!para!as!Mulheres,!2015: ! 9 transv ersais/programas.xhtml?agenda=5 !! 157 !Plano!Mais!Brasil,!Politicas!para!as!Mulheres,!2015: ! 9 […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Brazil

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Peru_Conflictividad social – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

[…] legales, que deben ser leídas en conjunto. Como se señala en el Informe Defensorial Nº 156: ninguna tipología es superior a otra. Su racionalidad y utilidad depen- den de los enfoques y objetivos de quienes harán uso de ellas. Lo con ve- niente es combinar tipologías tratando de rodear por completo ese objeto complejo […] Continue Reading Peru_Conflictividad social – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Denmark

[…] from human rights monitoring mechanisms, especially in the case of solitary conf inement during remand custody. In 2014 it was reported that solitary confinement measures, carried out und er the Sentence enforcement Act, had been used with children on 158 occasions during th e period of 2009- 2013 , including in the form of […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Denmark

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Peru_Agricultura a gran escala – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

[…] base del PNA, 2019, p. 1. 16 Informe sobre agricultura a gran escala Para hacer este análisis se ha tomado en cuenta que los diferentes actores pue- den tener visiones diferentes sobre las condiciones actuales del sector agrario, así como diferentes perspectivas sobre cómo cerrar esas brechas, y cuáles de – ben ser las […] Continue Reading Peru_Agricultura a gran escala – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on the Protection of HRDs

[…] e N BA o n B H R, p le a se c o n ta ct :   a n an ya@ m an ush yafo und atio n.o rg  E m il ie P ra dic h it F ou n der & D ir e cto r M an ush ya […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on the Protection of HRDs

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[…] of 10 July 1991 on legal aid). Under this Act, legal aid is awarded to French citizens and European and non-European nationals on the basis of means testing. Non-European nationals must also show that France is their habitual and lawful place of residence. However, exceptions have been created to the residency and means testing […] Continue Reading france-nap-english

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Georgia national baseline assessment english

[…] Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia on 30 December 2016. DCFTA web-portal, created by the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für In – ternationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) was launched on 19 June 2017, which covers all information related to DCFTA, including information about international support, the […] Continue Reading Georgia national baseline assessment english

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