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Ohchr arp i

[…] of business-related human rights abuses, in collabora tion with the Working Group, and to organize consultations with experts, Stat es and other relevant stakeholders to facilitate mutual understanding and greater consensus among different views.” The High Commissioner is requested to publish a progress report of its work before the twenty-ninth session of the Human […] Continue Reading Ohchr arp i

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Development finance institutions

[…] often do. Development Finance Institutions can also contribute to women empowerment, gender equality and women in leadership with their investments. In 2018, 14 development finance institutions, including  Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft, jointly launched the “Gender Finance Collaborative” to increase the impact of investment capital provided by the DFIs toward women as entrepreneurs, fund leaders, […] Continue Reading Development finance institutions

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[…] Human Rights, September 2, 2014 Graf A.: Developing National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights, April 2013 Graf et al.: Zusammenfassender Bericht: Stakeholderkonsultationen zum Nationalen Aktionsplan Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte, March 2014 Christine Kaufmann, Jonatan Niedrig, Judith Wehrli, Laura Marschner, Christoph Good: Umsetzung der Menschenrechte in der Schweiz: Eine Bestandesaufnahme im Bereich Menschenrechte und Wirtschaft, September […] Continue Reading Switzerland

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Peru

[…] • Develop company policies and procedures related to h uman rights issues in the local environment.   • Assess and track the potential human rights impacts of your own operat ions or in suppliers,  business partners and investments.    • Raise awareness among staff, suppliers and other business partners.    • Engage with workers, po tentially affected communities, consumers and other stakehold ers whose  human rights might be affected by your operations.   • Engage with civil society organisations, government bod ies or international organisations on human  rights ‐related issues.    • Provide bac kgro und information for auditors.   • Establish or collaborate with mechanisms for workers, co mmunities and other whose human rights  might be affected by your operations.   • Contribute to development initiatives that align with human development  needs and priorities in  the local context.   How the Human Rights and Business Country Guide can b e used by governments   • Review and reform public policy and legislation relevant to the human  rights impacts of business,  including in the areas of labour, environment, land, equ al treatment, anti‐corruption, taxation,  consumer protection or corporate reporting.   • Ensure respect for human rights in the state’s own bus iness affairs such as state‐owned companies,  sovereign wealth funds and other investments, public pro curement, development assistance,  export credit and other activities. […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Peru

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Uganda

 Human Rights and Business Country Guide Uganda                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Table of Contents    How to Use this Guide ………………………………………………………………………………………………….  3  Backgro und & Context  …………………………………………………………………………………………………  8  Rights Holders at Risk in the Workplace  ………………………………………………………………………..  17   Rights Holders at Risk in the Community  ………………………………………………………………………  29   Child Labour  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………  38   Forced Labour  ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………  46   Occupational Health & Safety  ……………………………………………………………………………………..  50   Trade Unions  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….  57   Working Conditions  ……………………………………………………………………………………………………  64   Environment  ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..  73 […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Uganda

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on CommunityRights, Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Impact-min

[…] NM EN T# T haiB H RN etw ork Chan at K ata n yu /B an gko k P o st Man ush ya F o undatio n & T hai B H R N etw ork ,  C om munity R ig hts , M anagem en t o f N atu […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on CommunityRights, Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Impact-min

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Land-related Rights in the context of BHR-min

[…] RA L R ESO URCES & T H E E N VIR O NM EN T# T haiB H RN etw ork Man ush ya F o undatio n & T hai B H R N etw ork ,  L and -r e la te d R ig hts i n t h e […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Land-related Rights in the context of BHR-min

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Land-related Rights in the context of BHR-min

[…] RA L R ESO URCES & T H E E N VIR O NM EN T# T haiB H RN etw ork Man ush ya F o undatio n & T hai B H R N etw ork ,  L and -r e la te d R ig hts i n t h e […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Land-related Rights in the context of BHR-min

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on CommunityRights, Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Impact-min

[…] NM EN T# T haiB H RN etw ork Chan at K ata n yu /B an gko k P o st Man ush ya F o undatio n & T hai B H R N etw ork ,  C om munity R ig hts , M anagem en t o f N atu […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on CommunityRights, Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Impact-min

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Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Discrimination Against Marginalised Communities

[…] e N BA o n B H R, p le a se c o n ta ct :   a n an ya@ m an ush yafo und atio n.o rg  E m il ie P ra dic h it F ou n der & D ir e cto r M an ush ya […] Continue Reading Thailand_Thematic Assessment Chapter on Discrimination Against Marginalised Communities

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[…] How the Human Rights and Business Country Guide can b e used by companies  • Develop company policies and procedures related to h uman rights issues in the local environment.  • Assess and track the potential human rights impacts of your own operat ions or in suppliers,  business partners and investments.    • Raise awareness among s taff, suppliers and other business partners.    • Engage with workers, potentially affected communities,  consumers and other stakeholders whose  human rights might be affected by your operations.   • Engage with civil society organisations, government bod ies or international organisations on  human rights ‐related issues.    • Provide backgro und information for auditors.   • Establish or collaborate with mechanisms for workers, co mmunities and other whose human rights  might be affected by your operations.   • Contribute to development initiatives that align with human development  needs and priorities in  the local context.   How the Human Rights and Business Country Guide can b e used by governments   • Review and reform public policy and legislation relevant to the human  rights impacts of business,  including in the areas of labour, environment, land, equal treatment , anti‐corruption, taxation,  consumer protection or corporate reporting.   • Ensure respect for human rights in the state’s own bus iness affairs such as state‐owned companies,  sov ereign wealth funds and other investments, public procurement,  development assistance,  […] Continue Reading business-and-human-rights-guide-to-malawi

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Globalnapsorg luxembourg 1st nap

Globalnapsorg luxembourg 1st nap

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[…] How!the!Human!Rights!and!Business!Country!Guide!can!be !used!by!companies! • Develop!company! policies!and!procedures!related!to!human!rights!issues!in!the!local!e nvironment.! • Assess!and!track!the!potential!human!rights!impacts!of!your!own!operat ions!or!in!suppliers,! business!partners!and!investments.! ! • Raise!awareness!among!staff,!suppliers!and!othe r!business!partners.!! • Engage!with!workers,!potentially!affected!communities,! consumers!and!other!stakeholders!whose! human!rights!might!be!affected!by!your!operations. ! • Engage!with!civil!society!organisations,!government!bod ies!or!international!organisations!on!human! rights 9related!issues.! ! • Provide!backgro und!information!for!auditors. ! • Establish!or!collaborate!with!mechanisms!for!workers,!co mmunities!and!other!whose!human!rights! might!be!affected!by!your!operations. ! • Contribute!to!development!initiatives!that! align!with!human!development!needs!and!priorities!in! the!local!context. ! • How!the!Human!Rights!and!Business!Country!Guide!can!be !used!by!governments!! • Review!and!reform!public!policy!and!legislation!relevant!to!the!human! rights!impacts!of!business,! including!in!the!areas!of!labour,!environment,!land,!equal!treatmen t,!anti9corruption,!taxation,! consumer!protection!or!corporate!reporting. ! How&to&Use&this&Guide& Human&Rights&and&Business&Country&Guide !Brazil ! 3& […] Continue Reading business-and-human-rights-guide-to-brazil

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NAP France 2017-open French

NAP France 2017-open French

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NAP France 2017-open English

[…] of 10 July 1991 on legal aid). Under this Act, legal aid is awarded to French citizens and European and non-European nationals on the basis of means testing. Non-European nationals must also show that France is their habitual and lawful place of residence. However, exceptions have been created to the residency and means testing […] Continue Reading NAP France 2017-open English

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National Baseline Assessment

1 2 The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) is an independent government institution established under Article 129 of the Constitut ion of the United Republic of Tanzania (1977), with the mandates to promote, protect and preserve human rights in Tanzania. CHRAGG is partnering with the Netherlands-based Cent re for Research on […] Continue Reading National Baseline Assessment

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Brazil

[…] How!the!Human!Rights!and!Business!Country!Guide!can!be !used!by!companies! • Develop!company! policies!and!procedures!related!to!human!rights!issues!in!the!local!e nvironment.! • Assess!and!track!the!potential!human!rights!impacts!of!your!own!operat ions!or!in!suppliers,! business!partners!and!investments.! ! • Raise!awareness!among!staff,!suppliers!and!othe r!business!partners.!! • Engage!with!workers,!potentially!affected!communities,! consumers!and!other!stakeholders!whose! human!rights!might!be!affected!by!your!operations. ! • Engage!with!civil!society!organisations,!government!bod ies!or!international!organisations!on!human! rights 9related!issues.! ! • Provide!backgro und!information!for!auditors. ! • Establish!or!collaborate!with!mechanisms!for!workers,!co mmunities!and!other!whose!human!rights! might!be!affected!by!your!operations. ! • Contribute!to!development!initiatives!that! align!with!human!development!needs!and!priorities!in! the!local!context. ! • How!the!Human!Rights!and!Business!Country!Guide!can!be !used!by!governments!! • Review!and!reform!public!policy!and!legislation!relevant!to!the!human! rights!impacts!of!business,! including!in!the!areas!of!labour,!environment,!land,!equal!treatmen t,!anti9corruption,!taxation,! consumer!protection!or!corporate!reporting. ! How&to&Use&this&Guide& Human&Rights&and&Business&Country&Guide !Brazil ! 3& […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Brazil

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Peru_Conflictividad social – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

El presente documento constituye una evaluación crítico-reflexiva basada en evi dencia, construida a partir del insumo inicial elaborado por el Instituto de Ética y Desarrollo de la Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya. Ha sido revisado por la Dirección General de Derechos Humanos, el Grupo de Trabajo del Poder Ejecutivo para el PNA y la […] Continue Reading Peru_Conflictividad social – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

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Business and Human Rights Guide to Denmark

[…] and Business Country Guide Denmark 2 Table of Contents Table of Contents ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 1 High-Level Summary …………………………………………………………………………………… . 3 How to Use this Guide …………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Backgro und & Context …………………………………………………………………………………. 7 Rights Holders at Risk ………………………………………………………………………………… 16 Child Labour …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 27 Forced Labour ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29 Occupational Health & Safety ……………………………………………………………………… 33 Trade Unions […] Continue Reading Business and Human Rights Guide to Denmark

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Peru_Agricultura a gran escala – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

El presente documento constituye una evaluación crítico-re�exiva basada en evi dencia, construida a partir del insumo inicial preparado por la Dirección General de Derechos Humanos. Ha sido revi – sado por el Grupo de Trabajo del Poder Ejecutivo para el PNA y la Mesa Multiactor para la elabora – ción del PNA. Incorpora, en […] Continue Reading Peru_Agricultura a gran escala – Informe de DLB del PNA 2021-2025

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