Available NAPs
Zambia: 1st NAP (Under development)
During Zambia’s 3rd Universal Periodic Review session in November 2017, Zambia supported a recommendation to develop a NAP.
The Zambia Human Rights Commission (ZHRC), the country’s national human rights institution, undertook a national baseline assessment in 2016 and produced a supplement on Pillar II in 2021 (more information below).
In April 18 and 19, 2023, a National Stakeholder Dialogue on Business and Human Rights took place in Zambia. The UN Resident Coordinator, Beatrice Mutali, opened the event stating that “[t]his Dialogue is a significant action towards meeting Zambia`s recommendation during its 3rd cycle Universal Periodic Review in 2017 to develop a national action plan on business and human rights and implement it together with the (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.”
A road map for the NAP was subsequently developed, and will guide the process going forward.
National Baseline Assessment (NBA)
• Developed as independent initiatives to inform the development of an inaugural BHR NAP. An inaugural BHR NAP has not been developed as of February 2023.
• The original and the supplement were conducted by the National Human Rights Institution (the Zambian Human Rights Commission). Funded by the DIHR.
• The original and the supplement utilised the DIHR/ ICAR National Baseline Assessment Template. They were based on desktop research, interviews, and consultations with key stakeholders. Both contain recommendations.
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