The Republic of Liberia’s first National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (2024-2028) launched on 14 August 2024.
Available NAPs
Liberia: 1st NAP (2024 - 2028)
The Republic of Liberia’s first National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (2024-2028) was launched on 14 August 2024.
The Government of Liberia, through its Pro Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (2018 – 2023), committed to “developing and implementing a national action plan for implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.”
In January 2019, A National Steering Committee on Business and Human Rights (NSCBHR) was established as the main coordinating organ for the development of the NAP. The Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Labour were appointed Chair and Co-Chair of the NSCBHR respectively. Its members include:
- The Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INCHR);
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Ministry of Commerce;
- The Liberia Chamber of Commerce;
- The National Investment Commission;
- The National Bureau of Concession;
- The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection,
- The Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- Civil society organizations;
- International partners; and
- The private sector.
The Ministry of Justice serves as the Secretariat of the National Human Rights Action Plan and received financial, technical and policy support from OHCHR’s Business and Human Rights (BHR) Africa Project, which is funded by GIZ.
Liberia adopted the five-phase process outlined in Guidance issued by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights. The five-phases are: 1) initiation; 2) assessment and consultation; 3) drafting; 4) implementation; and 5) update. They formed the basis of Liberia’s NAP roadmap.
In February 2019, the Ministry of Justice organized the first high-level forum with relevant government ministries, selected businesses, other relevant partners, and the Independent National Commission on Human Rights to identify the most significant capacity and capability gaps to achieve effective remedial outcomes for rights-holders and explore practical ways to address those gaps.
The BHR National Secretariat led the day-to-day activities of the Steering Committee, which have ranged from organising logistical support and capacity-building activities to conducting baseline assessments and raising awareness and collecting inputs from locals and affected communities. Key milestones in the process included:
- A roadmap and work plan were developed to guide the drafting of the NAP on Business and Human Rights;
- A Business and Human Rights Implementation Group (BHRIG) was established, which comprises Government, civil society, trade unions, and relevant businesses;
- Three technical sessions were organized, which produced the first draft of the NAP;
- Gaps were identified and measures instituted to prohibit violation including discrimination and abuse against women in public and private sectors; and
- An awareness and media outreach exercise in 3 counties (Grand Cape Mount, Nimba, and Rivercess) was conducted to enhance the knowledge and understanding of Liberian citizens and residents on the development of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights.
Drawing on the consultative exercises held between 2019 and 2022, the NSCBHR formulated a draft NAPBHR that identifies and manages human rights risks, builds awareness across businesses, and takes effective action to ensure businesses comply with the UNGPs. In June 2022, Liberia presented the draft NAP at a Regional Business and Human Rights Dialogue organized by OHCHR in Dakar, Senegal.
On 23 May 2024, the National Steering Committee on Business and Human Rights held their last meeting to review and approve the NAP, after which the document was sent for the Minister of Justice’s signature and final validation.
On 14 August 2024, Liberia became the fourth African country to launch a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights. The NAP covers the time period of 2024-2028. It focuses on six key thematic areas:
- Land and natural resources;
- Labour issues;
- Access to justice;
- Environmental concerns;
- Transparency and Accountability; and
- Gender and related issues.
Stakeholder Participation
Consultations with CSOs, communities, business actors and government actors were carried out in November 2019 (30 stakeholders), in 2021 (100 participants), and in May 2022. More specifically:
- On 28 November 2019, stakeholders including government institutions, CSOs, the INCHR and the business community (Golden Veroleum-Liberia, Arcelor Mittal, etc.) reviewed and validated a roadmap and work plan to guide the drafting of the NAP. Participants agreed on the conduct of a baseline assessment and nationwide consultations to raise awareness and collect inputs from locals and affected communities to be included in the NAPBHR.
- In 2021, additional consultations were held in Grand Bassa and Nimba Counties, with representatives from relevant government institutions, the National Commission on Disability, civil society organizations, the business community, youth groups, and women groups.
- On 3–4 May 2022, stakeholders convened in Monrovia to build on the NAPBHR framework document previously developed during the 2019 and 2021 technical working retreats. The Ministry of Justice, OHCHR, and a national consultant facilitated this session.
Following a country visit to Liberia in 2023, the UNWG recommended that the government “ensure transparency around the development process, strengthening capacity of relevant institutions for the development of the NAP, establishing effective mechanisms for meaningful participation of relevant stakeholders and ensuring that the NAP includes specific, measurable, achievable and time-bound indicators.”
Follow-up, monitoring, reporting and review
Chapter Four of the NAP provides an Implementation Strategy in the form of a matrix of interventions, which includes information on the Lead Agency and collaborating partners for each Thematic Area. The National Working Group on Business and Human Rights will use the matrix as its basis when designing specific activities in consultation with relevant sectors, business operators, relevant agencies of government, civil society organizations, and development partners.
Stakeholders views and analysis on the NAP
Between October and November 2022, the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights visited Liberia and praised the efforts on the development of a NAP. However, there was apprehension regarding the lack of oversight in certain regions of the country.
Additional resources
External updates and commentary
- New Republic Liberia Newspaper, ‘OHCHR launches Business & Human Rights Initiatives’, OHCHR Launches Business, H’ Rights Initiatives – New Republic Liberia News, 10 May 2022
- The Inquirer Newspaper, ‘Liberia Presents Draft National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights’, Liberia Presents Draft National ActionPlan On Business & Human Rights – The Inquirer Newspaper, 20 June 2022
- UN News, Liberia: Put people before profit, experts on human rights and business urge, Liberia: Put people before profit, experts on human rights and business urge | UN News, 11 November 2022
- Front Page Africa Newspaper, Liberia Government Launches Five-Year National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, Liberia: Gov’t Launches Five-Year National Action Plan On Business And Human Rights – FrontPageAfrica, 15 August 2024
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