Outcome 1.2: Utilize U.S. Law, Multilateral Agreements, and Diplomacy to Promote and Enforce High Standard
New Actions [page 9]
“Enhanced Enforcement of U.S. Laws Relating to Forced Labor or Convict Labor: As a result of the February 2016 enactment by the President of the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015, the U.S. government has removed an exception (the “consumptive demand” clause) in 19 U.S.C. § 1307 that allowed for the importation of certain forced labor-produced goods if they were not produced “in such quantities in the United States as to meet the consumptive demands of the United States.” This exception existed since 1930, and its removal facilitates the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) ability and ongoing commitment to prevent and investigate the importation of goods manufactured with forced labor.” – Implementing Department or Agency: DHS
Outcome 1.3: Leverage U.S. Government Purchasing Power to Promote High Standards
New Actions [page 10]
“Research and Tools on Preventing Trafficking in Global Supply Chains: The State Department funded research on “Strengthening Protections Against Trafficking in Persons in Federal and Corporate Supply Chains” to develop a set of online tools and resources to help federal contractors and corporations analyze, prevent, and address human trafficking risks in their global supply chains. In 2016, State and nongovernmental organizations launched This online platform focuses on the sectors and commodities at greatest risk for trafficking and provides guidance on developing effective management systems. State anticipates funding the development of additional sector-specific tools and the maintenance of the site over the next five years. In addition, DOL is funding research on forced labor in specific industries’ global supply chains and an ILO-led Global Business Network on Forced Labor.” – Implementing Department or Agency: State, DOL
Ongoing Commitments and Initiatives [page 11]
““Prohibition of Acquisition of Products Produced by Forced or Indentured Child Labor,” (E.O. 13126), signed on June 12, 1999 and in effect since 2001, is intended to ensure that U.S. federal agencies do not procure goods made by forced or indentured child labor. The U.S. government will seek to review the status and effectiveness of implementation of these requirements and take steps to improve implementation, as feasible and appropriate.” – Implementing Department or Agency: State, DOL
Outcome 2.1: Enhance the Value of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives on RBC
Ongoing Commitment [page 15-16]
“DOL Technical Cooperation: DOL funds a range of projects involving collaboration with private sector actors on RBC issues, including:
- A $12 million project, From Protocol to Practice: Building a Bridge to Global Action on Forced Labor, supports global and national efforts pursuant to the 2014 ILO Protocol and Recommendation on Forced Labor. Among other things, this project will organize a global supply-chain forum focused on the role of business in addressing forced labor.
- A $6 million DOL project in Brazil and Peru, launched in March 2014, partners with national governments, businesses, and civil society organizations to combat forced labor and promote the exchange of good practices between the two countries. In Brazil, the project partners with the state of Mato Grosso’s Integrated Action Program to provide livelihood opportunities to households vulnerable to forced labor. In Peru, the project has conducted research on forced labor in gold mining and logging and trained more than 1,000 government officials on the issue of forced labor.” – Implementing Department or Agency: DOL
“Sustainable Development Goals: The 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs or Global Goals) establish an ambitious framework to make progress on many of the fundamental social, economic, and environmental challenges facing the world over the next 15 years. The U.S. government encourages uptake and implementation of the SDGs and intends to facilitate dialogue among key actors to discuss best practices, public-private partnership opportunities, lessons learned, and action necessary to ensure the SDGs’ success. As part of this initiative, DOL has been actively engaged in the ILO-led Alliance 8.7, a coalition of business and other stakeholders committed to increasing action to achieve SDG Target 8.7 on the elimination of the worst forms of child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking” – Implementing Department or Agency: State, Treasury, USAID, DOL
Outcome 3.1: U.S. Government Reports
Ongoing Commitments and Initiatives [page 18]
“DOL Child Labor and Forced Labor Reports: DOL publishes and updates three reports on international child labor and forced labor (the Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor, the List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor, and the List of Products Produced by Forced or Indentured Child Labor) that serve as valuable resources for government action, civil society advocacy, and private sector due diligence on these issues. Since 2015, DOL releases these three reports through a new mobile application, Sweat & Toil: Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking Around the World, which streamlines this wealth of information and makes it available on mobile devices. DOL regularly engages with companies and industry groups on how they can use these tools to strengthen their social compliance programs.” – Implementing Department or Agency: DOL
“Reducing Child Labor and Forced Labor: A Toolkit for Responsible Businesses: This DOL online resource, launched in December 2012, will continue to provide step-by-step guidance to businesses that seek to develop and improve social compliance systems to address child labor and forced labor in supply chains. The Toolkit is available to the public in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese and will be regularly updated based on feedback from users.” – Implementing Department or Agency: DOL
Outcome 3.3: Capacity Building and Technical Support to Promote Enabling Environments
Ongoing Commitments and Initiatives [page 20-21]
“Eliminating Child and Forced Labor in Agricultural Supply Chains: In 2011, USDA, DOL, and State released the Guidelines for Eliminating Child and Forced Labor in Agricultural Supply Chains, developed as part of a multi-stakeholder process that included high-level officials of these agencies, representatives of business, civil society, and academics. The Guidelines’ specific elements should be integrated into any agricultural company program to reduce child or forced labor, and include adhering to ILO standards on child labor and forced labor; mapping supply chains and conducting risk assessments; providing communication and monitoring mechanisms; and developing plans and programs for remediating violations. DOL is now funding a four-year pilot project in Turkey to test implementation of the above Guidelines by a leading company.” – Implementing Department or Agency: USDA, DOL, State