US – Health

The National Action Plan

Outcome 1.1: Promoting RBC Globally

Ongoing Commitments and Initiatives: 

[page 8] 

Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC): … The U.S. government is also actively engaged in the Business Ethics for APEC Small and Medium Enterprise Initiative, the world’s largest collective action mechanism to strengthen ethical business practices in the medical device, biopharmaceutical, and construction and engineering sectors.

Implementing Department or Agency: 

State, Commerce


Annex I: The NAP Process

[page 24]

In addition to the four open dialogues, the U.S. government created a dedicated email address for stakeholder input on the NAP process through which we received written input from a variety of different stakeholders. U.S. government officials also met with NGOs, academic institutions, foreign government officials, labor unions, businesses, indigenous peoples, and industry associations to solicit input for the NAP. Key themes raised by stakeholders included the need to identify ways the U.S. government is taking steps to protect human rights both at home and abroad, conduct business activities overseas in a manner that is protective of human health and the environment, improve on the performance of the USNCP for the OECD Guidelines, and promote RBC through U.S. government procurement practices.