US – E and CC


Purpose of the NAP [page 5]

The U.S. government recognises that environmental issues are also integral to RBC and are affected by, and have an impact on, many of these areas. Therefore, environmental issues are addressed in this document to the extent that they overlap with RBC. The Obama Administration’s environmental objectives are comprehensively addressed, and the roles of business and other stakeholders in achieving them, through certain executive statements of policy such as President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, and Executive Orders (E.O.s) such as E.O. 13693, Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade.

The National Action Plan

Leading by example

Outcome 1.2: Utilise US law, Multilateral agreements, and diplomacy to promote and enforce high standards

Ongoing commitments and initiatives

Addressing Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing [page 10]: Following the June 2014 Presidential Memorandum on Establishing a Comprehensive Framework to Combat IUU Fishing and Seafood Fraud, the U.S. government has taken steps to develop a Trusted Trader program as part of an effective seafood traceability process to combat IUU fishing and seafood fraud. The program will establish incentives for RBC by supporting enhanced streamlined entry into U.S. commerce for certified importers. Another outgrowth of the Memorandum was the establishment of a 14-agency National Ocean Council Committee on IUU Fishing and Seafood Fraud, which is overseeing the implementation of the March 2015 Action Plan. Through the Oceans and Fisheries Partnership, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) will continue its commitment to strengthen regional cooperation to combat IUU fishing, promote sustainable fisheries, and conserve marine biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific region. The Safe Ocean Network, launched through State’s Our Ocean Conference, is a global community fighting against IUU fishing through detection, enforcement, and prosecution measures that increase collaboration between countries and counter-IUU organisations. More than 40 counter illegal fishing projects in 46 countries worth over $82 million over five years are affiliated with the Safe Ocean Network as of October 2016 to address the issue. Implementing department of agency: State, USAID, Commerce, DHS, DOL

Collaborating with Stakeholders

Outcome 2.1: Enhance the Value of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives on RBC

New Actions

Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge [page 14]: USAID’s Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge recently selected sixteen Prize Winners and four Grand Prize Winners who submitted the most creative, innovative, and promising science and technology solutions to combat terrestrial and marine wildlife crime, with a focus on combating corruption and reducing consumer demand for illegal wildlife products. Grand Prize Winner New England Aquarium’s solution will digitise customs paperwork and conduct real-time analysis to identify illegal wildlife products hidden in legitimate trade. The National Whistleblower Center, another Grand Prize Winner, will build a secure, transnational reporting system designed to fight corruption by incentivising insiders to securely report wildlife crime. Implementing department or agency: USAID

Facilitating RBC by Companies

Outcome 3.3: Capacity building and technical support to promote enabling environments

Ongoing commitments and initiatives

Combating Illegal Logging and Wildlife Trafficking [page 21]: Through its Environment and Natural Resources Division, DOJ partners with the Department of the Interior’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and USDA’s Forest Service with the support of State and USAID to provide capacity-building training for investigators, prosecutors, and judges in other countries to prosecute illegal logging and wildlife trafficking cases. DOJ will continue to work to build the capacity of enforcement officials in other countries so they are better able to address these crimes in the countries of origin. In 2016, DOJ provided training to six southern African and five west African countries on wildlife trafficking, and in Colombia, Peru, and Cameroon (for four Congo Basin countries) on illegal logging. DHS will continue to investigate illegal logging and wildlife trafficking cases and work closely with DOJ to prosecute violators. Implementing department or agency: DOJ, DOI, USAID, State, DHS

Annex II: Key domestic executive orders and regulatory efforts

Executive order [page 28]

Enforcement of the U.S. Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships implementing the International MARPOL Convention: The U.S. government enforces the U.S. Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships, the U.S. law implementing the international marine pollution convention known as MARPOL. Such enforcement actions are brought against shipping companies that illegally discharge waste oil into the ocean rather than legally dispose of it at port.