United States
Outcome 1.1: Promoting RBC Globally
Ongoing Commitments and Initiatives [page 9]
“Promotion of Robust Safeguards at the World Bank and other International Financial Institutions (IFIs): The U.S. government will continue to play a leading role in encouraging strong safeguard and sustainability policies across multilateral development banks and other IFIs. Over the course of the World Bank’s recently-completed Safeguards review, the U.S. government supported strong provisions in the Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework approved in August 2016, including a new safeguard on labor and working conditions, and encouraged the World Bank to incorporate human rights issues in its safeguards.” – Implementing Department or Agency: Treasury, DOL, State, USAID
Outcome 1.2: Utilize U.S. Law, Multilateral Agreements, and Diplomacy to Promote and Enforce High Standards
Ongoing Commitments and Initiatives
“Robust and Consistent Enforcement of U.S. Laws and Regulations: The U.S. government will protect the integrity of our financial system and combat money laundering and financial crimes by continuing to enforce its laws in order to protect human, labor, and civil rights. Laws whose enforcement advances key priorities relevant to RBC include those listed in Annex II.” – Implementing Department or Agency: DOJ, Treasury
Outcome 2.1: Enhance the Value of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives on RBC
Ongoing Commitments [page 14]
“ILO-International Finance Corporation (IFC) Better Work Program: More than 60 American apparel brands are part of the Better Work program, implemented by the ILO in partnership with the IFC. DOL has funded Better Work programs in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Haiti, Jordan, Lesotho, Nicaragua, and Vietnam. The Better Work program is being implemented in 1,343 export apparel factories, supporting better labor conditions for approximately 1,750,000 workers worldwide.” – Implementing Department or Agency: DOL
Outcome 3.3: Capacity Building and Technical Support to Promote Enabling Environments
Ongoing Commitments and Initiatives [page 19]
“Financial Action Task Force (FATF): The United States is a founding member of the FATF and will continue to be actively involved in advancing the FATF’s global efforts in combating money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit financing threats that pose a risk to the integrity of the international financial system. The United States recently underwent a Mutual Evaluation Review to assess levels of implementation of the FATF Recommendations.” – Implementing Department or Agency: Treasury
Annex II: Key Domestic Executive Orders and Regulatory Efforts [page 26-29]
“Money Laundering and Bank Integrity: Treasury administers the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), which, among other things, requires financial institutions to maintain effective anti-money laundering (AML) compliance programs. Effective AML programs include, among other things, the ability to detect and report suspicious activity, including corruption, and to conduct due diligence and enhanced measures when banks, broker-dealers, or other institutions deal with senior foreign political figures. DOJ prosecutes criminal violations of the BSA focusing on criminal violations by financial institutions whose actions threaten the integrity of the individual institution or the wider financial system, as well as professional money launderers and gatekeepers. These unique cases reinforce the obligation on U.S. businesses in the financial sector to harden their infrastructure against financial crime—including bribery, misappropriation, and theft—and reinforce the private sector’s role as a strong line of defense against the introduction of ill-gotten gains to the U.S. financial system. …
Transparency: The U.S. government is engaging in efforts to strengthen financial and corporate transparency to make our country even less attractive for the corrupt looking to spend the proceeds of their crimes. To that end, DOJ has submitted to Congress a package of legislative proposals that will improve the United States’ ability to combat money laundering, particularly when linked to foreign official corruption, and to locate and recover stolen assets and other criminal proceeds. Additionally, Treasury recently announced a final rule to increase transparency in the financial system. The final Customer Due Diligence rule, which was first noticed in 2014 and was subject to a public comment process, will require that financial institutions—including banks and other entities—collect and verify the personal information of the real people (also known as beneficial owners) who own, control, and profit from companies when those companies open accounts. It clarifies and expands BSA obligations and will be fully implemented by financial institutions no later than two years after its effective date (i.e. May 11, 2018). Finally, Treasury, on behalf of the Administration, sent to Congress draft legislation that would require companies formed within the United States to file adequate, accurate, and current information on its beneficial owners with Treasury. The proposed legislation includes penalties for failure to comply and is necessary to prevent the misuse of companies formed under state law. To address potential vulnerabilities in the domestic real estate market, Treasury uses its authorities to require certain title insurance companies to identify the natural persons behind shell companies used to pay “all cash” for high-end real estate in six major metropolitan areas.”