The UK 2016 NAP refers to migrant workers in the Introduction [page 3]:

“Since the publication of the UNGPs, in 2011, and the UK’s National Action Plan in 2013, there have been a number of developments at the international level. In particular:

  • The Global Goals for Sustainable Development, agreed by world leaders and launched at the UN in September 2015, contained commitments to: (…) protect labour rights, promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment (SDG 8.8).”

The UK 2016 NAP, in the Government Commitments section [page 11], states:

“The Government will do the following to reinforce its implementation of its commitments under Pillar 1 of the UNGPs: (..) Consider new project activity on raising awareness and tackling the negative impacts of business activity, including on the human rights of groups like indigenous peoples, women, national or ethnic minorities, religious and linguistic minorities, children, persons with disabilities, and migrant workers and their families, by tasking our diplomatic missions in countries where these are concerns.”