The UK 2016 NAP refers to policy coherence already in the introduction [page 4], where it explains that:
“As part of our commitment to updating the National Action Plan the Government held a series of public consultation events, looking at the plan as a whole, the approach to implementation, and examining in more detail some of the elements contained in the three pillars of the UNGPs. The consultations produced some clear messages from business and civil society regarding the Government’s responsibilities and actions in this regard. These included suggestions that the Government should:
- give a clear commitment to the UNGPs as the most appropriate model for promoting business and human rights at the international level, and consistency with other international processes, especially the OECD Guidelines;
- provide policy coherence and clear communication of the actions taken.
- be clear on our expectations of business and provide support, where appropriate, in meeting those expectations;”
The UK 2016 NAP further refers to policy coherence in the section The existing UK Legal Policy Framework [page 6]:
“The UNGPs set out the general regulatory and policy measures a state may take in order to fulfil their duty to protect against human rights violations by third parties, including business enterprises. They recommend that states should: (…) Ensure policy coherence across government, including by providing training, information and support”.
The UK 2016 NAP states in relation to Actions taken to support business implementation of the UNGPs that [page 15]:
“To help businesses to fulfil their responsibility to respect human rights the Government has:
(i) updated this action plan, setting out the Government’s actions and expectations on business and human rights. We will seek clear and consistent communication of this policy through ministers, UK business ambassadors and officials who engage with business and other appropriate channels.”