Uganda – Guidance to business
OBJECTIVE 2: To promote human rights compliance and accountability by business actors
4.2.3 Capacity building for business operators on human rights observance
- Strengthen the technical capacity of businesses on human rights.
- Build capacity of businesses and their umbrella-bodies to conduct and undertake human rights-compliance self-assessments.
- Strengthen the capacity of the human resource function in business operations in observing workers’ rights.
- Strengthen the capacity of Occupational Safety and Health managers and committees in businesses on human rights compliance.
- Develop IEC (“information, education, and communication”) materials and disseminate information on human rights for business operators.
- Creation of fora and platforms for human rights discussions among business operators and other actors.
OBJECTIVE 3: To promote meaningful and effective participation and respect for consent by relevant stakeholders in business operations.
4.3.1 Promoting FPIC for communities in all business operations
ii. Develop and enforce guidelines and policies regarding land acquisition, compensation and resettlement of communities affected by business operations, prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable, such as women, persons with disabilities and persons living with HIV/AIDS.
OBJECTIVE 4: To promote social inclusion and rights of the vulnerable and marginalized individuals and groups in business operations.
4.4.2 Engagement of business operators on human rights
ii. Mobilize and build capacity of selected business operators as human rights in business change agents.
4.4.3 Capacity building to State and Non-State actors on human rights based approach to programming at all levels
iii. Build capacity of business leaders and owners on the human rights based approach in business operations.
iv. Build capacity of human rights defenders to monitor, document and report on human rights abuses and violations in business operations.
5.1 Ministry Of Gender, Labour and Social Development
iii. Ensure the development and use of guidelines on human rights in business operations.
5.7 Uganda Investment Authority
iii. Disseminate human guidelines on business and human rights to investors.
5.9 Local Governments
iv. Disseminate guidelines and other related information, communication and education materials on business and human rights.
The strategic implementation framework in the 1.0 Appendices includes:
- Capacity building for business operators on human rights observance. (Strategic Actions under Objective 2.0)
- Capacity building for business operators on human rights observance. (Strategic Actions under Objective 3.0)
- Capacity building to State and Non-State actors on human rights based approach to programming at all levels (Strategic Actions under Objective 4.0)
Budgeted outputs in Annex I include:
- Strengthen the technical capacity of business operations on human rights (Objective 2.0)
- Strengthening implementation of social safety and health guidelines (Objective 2.0)
- Develop an e-portal on business and human rights (Objective 3.0)
- Develop and roll out multi-media digital access to information/ channels on business and human rights (Objective 3.0)
- Build capacity of business leaders and owners on the human rights based approach in business operations. (Objective 4.0)