Thailand – Persons with disabilities

3. The core content of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights

3.1 Action plan on labour

3.1.1 Overall situation

For the promotion of people with disabilities to enter a career and have a better quality of life, the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security jointly announced their cooperation to support the employment of people with disabilities to develop the potential of improved work by setting a target of employment of 10,000 people with disabilities and a Memorandum of Agreement between the Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security signed to coordinate the employment of people with disabilities in the community to work in a government agency under the Ministry of Public Health. In addition, the Civil State for Society Project can also help the employment of people with disabilities with more work. Many businesses including educational institutions have also put efforts into hiring people with disabilities.


3.1 Action plan on labour

3.1.3 Action Plan (2019–2022)

Pillar 1: State duties in protecting (Protect)







Responsible agenciesTime-frame (2019–2022)Indicators (wide frame)Compliance with National Strategy/ SDGs/UNGPs
6.Eliminating discrimination in employment and the workplace–   Promote jobs and employment for persons with disabilities in the workplace and in public sectors by having a coordinator between entrepreneurs and the disabled, including make use of screening systems for people with disabilities to find appropriate jobs and employment.

–   Manage working conditions that are suitable to their needs, including being equipped with facilities that ensure physical in person, access to the workplace, services, all instruments and equipment. This includes facilitation of persons with disabilities to access assisting tools and equipment such as wheelchairs, touch screen computers, etc. in order to help facilitate the disabled to be able to work in the same manner as other staff in the organization.

–   Build up the capacity of staff working with the disabled to have expertise in job guidance and coaching by providing training for job guidance and coaching in order to coordinate between entrepreneurs and the disabled

–   Ministry of Social Development and Human Security

– Ministry of Labour


project to find jobs for persons with disabilities

Specially needed recruitment activities for disabled workers

Activities to promote the disabled to work in the public sector


–  1,750 persons with disabilities are employed.


–   persons with disabilities are employed no less than 62%

–   88 persons with disabilities are employed in government agencies promote employment of the disabled to work in government agencies as specified by law in the ratio 100: 1

–   National Strategy for Human Capital Development and Strengthening

–   National Strategy for Social Cohesion and Just Society

–   SDG 8 and 10

–   UNGPs Articles 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8

–   Improve the efficiency of the Fund for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities– Ministry of Social Development and Human Security2019–2022– Supporting the disabled to have jobs or independent employment

Promote the workplace to provide facilities that facilitate persons with disabilities to work

–   National Strategy for Human Capital Development and Strengthening

–   National Strategy for Social Cohesion and Just Society

–   SDG 8

–   UNGPs Articles 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10


Pillar 2: Responsibilities of the business sector in respecting of human rights

2.3 Elimination of discrimination in the workplace

  • State enterprises and the business sector should increase the employment of … persons with disability … . by considering as appropriate, including requiring the establishments for proper facilities set-up.