Thailand – Conflict-affected areas

3.The core content of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights

3.2 Action plan for community, land, natural resources and the environment

3.2.3 Action Plan (2019–2022)

Pillar 3: Duties of the state and the business sector to provide remedy (Remedy)







Responsible agencies Time-frame (2019–2022) Indicators (wide frame) Compliance with National Strategy/ SDGs/UNGPs
2. Public participation Consider the establishment of rights protection centres in areas of conflict – Ministry of Justice 2019–2022 Set up a working group or centre to manage the violation of rights in areas of conflict –   National Strategy for Public Sector Rebalancing and Development

–   SDG 11 and 16

–   UNGPs Articles 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 31