Taiwan – National Human Rights Institutions / Ombudspersons

III. The state duty to respect human rights

B. Actions taken

  • Promotion of consistency in human rights policies (page 5)

‘Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan passed the “Organic Act of the Control Yuan National Human Rights Commission” in 2019. Then the National Human Rights Commission was formally established on 1 August 2020 to serve as the government’s single human rights authority. The Commission monitors whether the legislative, executive, and judicial branches operate in compliance with international human rights requirements, and whether any government policies or actions infringe upon human rights. It is also authorized to provide suggestions to the executive, legislative, and judicial branches for their reference.’

This information is also covered under Appendix 4: Overview of the implementation of the state duty to protect and the access to remedy, The state duty to protect, UNGP8, Actions taken (page 47).