Taiwan – Migrant workers
III. The state duty to protect human rights
C. Actions planned
- Continue committing to implement important United Nations human rights covenants, incorporating them into domestic law, and preparing national reports for review (pages 8-9)
‘In addition to incorporating five core UN human rights conventions in domestic law, […] the Taiwan government has also adopted a national report system based on the UN model, and has pledged to do likewise with another three core human rights conventions, namely, the “International Convention on the Protection of Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families,” […]’
This information is also covered under Appendix 4: Overview of the implementation of the state duty to protect and the access to remedy, The state duty to protect, UNGP10, Actions planned (pages 52-53).
- Continue pushing for passage of laws to protect working conditions and labor rights (page 10)
‘[…] in order to improve the working conditions of foreign fishing crews, the Taiwan government will provide more living and leisure facilities.’
Appendix 1: Concrete actions taken by Taiwan to fulfill the state obligation to protect
- Government procurement (page 25)
‘Article 98 of the “Government Procurement Act” stipulates that for a winning tenderer which employs more than 100 persons locally, aborigines or persons with physical or mental disabilities shall account for a minimum of two percent of the total number of employees during the term of contract performance; otherwise, the foregoing tenderer shall pay a fee in lieu of performance and shall not hire foreign workers to make up the shortage in question.’