1 The State duty to protect human rights [page 10]
Swedish legislation to protect human rights
“The purpose of the Discrimination Act (2008:567) is to combat discrimination and in other ways promote equal rights and opportunities regardless of sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, impairment, sexual orientation or age. The Act applies to employment in a broad sense, educational activities, labour market policy activities and employment services not under public contract, starting or running a business, supply of goods, services and housing, organisation of a public gathering or event, and health and medical care and social services.”
2 The corporate responsibility to respect human rights [page 13]
“The conditions for companies’ efforts to respect human rights vary depending on their size, the countries and regions they operate in and their line of business, but the common goal is to prevent the companies’ activities from leading to human rights abuses, including the exploitation of children. UNICEF, Save the Children and the UN Global Compact have developed the Children’s Rights and Business Principles, which provide guidance for companies in their work. Companies should also help to defend and strengthen women’s rights, including through access to the labour market and by combating discrimination in all its forms.”
Annex: Measures planned [page 27]
Regulations and legislation
“The EU has adopted new procurement directives: a Directive on public procurement, a Directive on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors, and a Directive on the award of concession contracts. The recitals of the Directives expressly state that the contracting authorities or entities in their contracts can require suppliers, in the performance of the contract, to comply in substance with the provisions of the basic International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions. Such conditions might also be intended to favour the implementation of measures for the promotion of equality of women and men at work, the increased participation of women in the labour market and the reconciliation of work and private life, the protection of the environment or the recruitment of more disadvantaged persons than are required under national legislation. …”