Spain – Equality

Guiding Principle 1

Spain is party to all of the main treaties on human rights and, specifically, to the following: …

  • the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination …
  • the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women …

Spain has also ratified the eight fundamental Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO)

Guiding Principle 2

Measure 5

Likewise, an awareness-raising strategy will be carried out on how to avoid discriminatory practices in public and private companies (by distinction, exclusion or preference) because of gender, age, ethnic origin, race, religion, disability, political affiliation or union, sexual orientation, nationality, marital status, socioeconomic origin or any other personal distinction.

Guiding Principle 6

Measure 2

The Government will ensure strict respect for human rights by companies in commercial transactions with other companies, establishing the necessary measures so as to: not discriminate against SMEs; respect the provisions of the Treaty of the EU on nondiscrimination; equal treatment and transparency: and no administrative charges are to be added to contracting authorities or companies.