
Guiding Principle 2

Measure 2

“The Government will develop awareness and training actions based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the National Plan for Business and Human Rights, and the expectations of the State in matters of business and human rights. These actions can be organized, among others, with the National Contact Point of the OECD Guidelines for multinational companies, business associations, networks of the United Nations Global Compact, and civil society organizations. This action will be directed as a priority to those companies in which the State has participation, or to which it provides financial, diplomatic, or other support; to companies that may affect vulnerable groups; as well as to those companies that have received the endorsement of Brand Spain. The awareness actions will be directed to the personnel of the companies at different decision-making levels, including the boards of directors and governing bodies.”

Guiding Principle 3

Measure 11

“The National Contact Point of the “OECD Guidelines” will act as a focal point to provide information and advice on business and human rights issues.”

Guiding Principle 27

Among the existing extrajudicial grievance mechanisms, it is worth mentioning the Spanish National Contact Point of the OECD Guidelines for multinational companies.