
Guiding Principle 2

Measure 7

“The Government will establish networks among Spanish companies or that the ones that operate in Spain for the promotion of: measures, procedures or internal systems that can effectively contribute to the prevention and/or mitigation of the negative consequences of business activities on human rights; as well as for the dissemination of good practices aimed to avoid these consequences, or to influence their avoidance, reduction or remedy. The establishment of procedures for internal assessment and determination of action will be promoted in a manner that avoids other negative consequences on human rights.”

Measure 8

“The Monitoring Commission will design and submit to the Government the adoption of an incentive system that includes both large companies and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that carry out policies in the field of human rights. These incentives may be economic, commercial, visibility and image, or other nature, to encourage companies to have policies and reliably certify that they have implemented adequate procedures at a global level according to their size and circumstances, namely:

  • A public commitment to assume its responsibility to respect human rights in accordance with the provisions of the Principle no. 16;
  • A process of due diligence aligned with the sectorial guides regarding the OECD (due diligence guidance), and based on the dialogue with stakeholders that allows identification, prevention, mitigation, and accountability of how they address the impact of their own activities and those that are directly related to their business relationships in accordance with the provisions of Principles no. 17 to no. 21;
  • Some processes that allow to remedy all the negative consequences on human rights that have caused or contributed to provoke according to what is established in Principles no. 22, no.29, no. 30, no. 31.”

Guiding Principle 7

Measure 5

“The Government will participate in multilateral efforts aimed at improving the prevention, mitigation and remedy of situations in which companies are involved in serious human rights abuse.”

Guiding Principle 25

Measure 2

“The Government will collaborate with civil society organizations in the distribution of existing redress mechanisms available to victims of human rights abuses caused by the activity of companies.”

Guiding Principle 26

Measure 3

The Government will develop and provide the necessary instruments so that every citizen can have access to comprehensible information about all of the grievance mechanisms that they can use. Therefore, a map of the existing resources in terms of legal assistance will be made and publicized.

Guiding Principle 27

Among the existing extrajudicial grievance mechanisms, it is worth mentioning the Spanish National Contact Point of the OECD Guidelines for multinational companies.

Furthermore, the Labor and Social Security Inspectorate of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security can provide arbitration, conciliation and mediation services for parties affected by labor disputes, when the parties agree to this process.

In relation to human rights abuses caused by companies, if there is, or might be, a presumed irregular action by the Public Administration, any citizen can go to the Ombudsman and demand their intervention.

Measure 1

“The Monitoring Commission will carry out a study on the current regulatory body, the mechanisms of extrajudicial claim for the receipt of complaints and mediation along the existing parties and the possible needs expressed by them. Within one year from the approval of this Plan, and based on the recommendations derived from the aforementioned study, recommendations may be made on the extension of existing extrajudicial mechanisms or on the creation of new ones in accordance with the criteria established in Principle No. 31.”

Guiding Principle 28

Measure 1

“The Government will promote the development of practical guides and compile good practices on the establishment of grievance mechanisms managed by companies themselves that respect the criteria identified in Guiding Principle 31.”

Guiding Principle 30

Measure 1

“The Government will support the development of effective mechanisms for access to remedy in the collaborative mechanisms it participates in in accordance with the criteria identified in Guiding Principle 31.”

Measure 2

“The Government will publish the recommendations that are appropriate for the companies to establish or participate in the effective operational level grievance mechanisms available to the individuals affected by their negative consequences.”