
Guiding Principle 2

Measure 1

“The Government will transfer the expectations described regarding human rights by companies to the business sector in a clear and consistent manner.”

Measure 2

“The Government will develop awareness and training actions based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the National Plan for Business and Human Rights, and the expectations of the State in matters of business and human rights. These actions can be organized, among others, with the National Contact Point of the OECD Guidelines for multinational companies, business associations, networks of the United Nations Global Compact, and civil society organizations. This action will be directed as a priority to those companies in which the State has participation, or to which it provides financial, diplomatic, or other support; to companies that may affect vulnerable groups; as well as to those companies that have received the endorsement of Brand Spain. The awareness actions will be directed to the personnel of the companies at different decision-making levels, including the boards of directors and governing bodies.”

Measure 3

“In particular, the Government will develop awareness-raising campaign on actions aimed to protect groups with greater risk of vulnerability. In this sense, and in collaboration with the Spanish and international organizations, the Government will disseminate the UNICEF document, Save the Children and the Global Compact “Children’s Rights and Business Principles” among the business sector and will specifically take into account General Comment No. 16 of 2013 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child.”

Measure 4

“The self-regulation codes will also be promoted, taking as an example relevant sector experiences, such as the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) or the Code of Conduct for the protection of children and adolescents against sexual exploitation in the Tourism and Travel Industry, as well as the relevant labor conventions of the ILO.”

Measure 5

“Likewise, an awareness-raising strategy will be carried out on how to avoid discriminatory practices in public and private companies (by distinction, exclusion or preference) because of gender, age, ethnic origin, race, religion, disability, political affiliation or union, sexual orientation, nationality, marital status, socioeconomic origin or any other personal distinction.”

Measure 6

“Companies and vulnerable sectors will be informed about ILO Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples (1989), and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007). This awareness-raising action will demonstrate the benefits that the respect for human rights can have for companies, as well as highlight examples of good practices.”

Measure 7

“The Government will establish networks among Spanish companies or that the ones that operate in Spain for the promotion of: measures, procedures or internal systems that can effectively contribute to the prevention and/or mitigation of the negative consequences of business activities on human rights; as well as for the dissemination of good practices aimed to avoid these consequences, or to influence their avoidance, reduction or remedy. The establishment of procedures for internal assessment and determination of action will be promoted in a manner that avoids other negative consequences on human rights.”

Measure 8

“The Monitoring Commission will design and submit to the Government the adoption of an incentive system that includes both large companies and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that carry out policies in the field of human rights. These incentives may be economic, commercial, visibility and image, or other nature, to encourage companies to have policies and reliably certify that they have implemented adequate procedures at a global level according to their size and circumstances, namely:

  • A public commitment to assume its responsibility to respect human rights in accordance with the provisions of the Principle no. 16;
  • A process of due diligence aligned with the sectorial guides regarding the OECD (due diligence guidance), and based on the dialogue with stakeholders that allows identification, prevention, mitigation, and accountability of how they address the impact of their own activities and those that are directly related to their business relationships in accordance with the provisions of Principles no. 17 to no. 21;
  • Some processes that allow to remedy all the negative consequences on human rights that have caused or contributed to provoke according to what is established in Principles no. 22, no.29, no. 30, no. 31.”

Guiding Principle 3

Measure 5

“The implementation will be promoted by business and trade unions, general or sectorial, including representative organizations of social economy entities; as well as other institutions such as chambers of commerce, chambers abroad, universities, business schools, etc. of actions that should promote online training and advice and Resolution of queries, coordinated with those carried out in the application of the Spanish Strategy of Corporate Social Responsibility.”

Measure 6

“In accordance with the recommendations of the EU, the Government will promote information and training of SMEs and social economy entities, through all available means in business associations, and will promote the creation of sectorial forums of learning in order to discuss good practices and to reach commitments of interest for each sector.”

Measure 7

“In parallel, the Government, in collaboration with independent and specialized institutions with accredited experience in human rights matters where conflicts of interest do not arise, will collaborate in the creation and consolidation of on-site training programs and will promote the inclusion of specific contents on human rights in the training activities of business organizations and of the Public Administration.”

Measure 8

The Government will collaborate with other governments in the development of training materials and tools

Measures 11

The National Contact Point of the “OECD Guidelines” will act as a focal point to provide information and advice on business and human rights issues.

Guiding Principle 7

Measure 1

“The Government, through its representations abroad, will inform companies about the risks involved in their business activities and relationships, especially in areas affected by conflicts.”

Measure 2

“Within the framework of the implementation of the II National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, the Government will develop tools and action guides directed to companies on how to address the risk of sexual violence and gender violence in conflict situations.”

Guiding Principle 28

Measure 1

“The Government will promote the development of practical guides and compile good practices on the establishment of grievance mechanisms managed by companies themselves that respect the criteria identified in Guiding Principle 31.”

Guiding Principle 30

Measure 2

“The Government will issue recommendations so that the companies establish or participate in effective complaints mechanisms at an operational level are available to people who suffer negative consequences.”