South Korea – non-judicial remedy

D. Tasks for the Third NAP

Enhance the Effectiveness of Grievance Settlement-Relief Process

1. Relieve damage of humidifier disinfectants and prevent recurrence [page 6]

  • Actively push ahead the relief efforts according to 「Special Act on Remedy for Damage Caused by Humidifier Disinfectants」(’17. 8. 9.)
    – Expand the approval of damaged disease by government through setting ‘Remedy for Damage Committee’ and ‘Remedy Account Management Committee’.
    – Support making an extra remedy account to aid victims who were excluded from government aid (125 billion won), actively find more victims, make the best use of emergency medical support system, and expand monitoring on victim’s health.
    – Conduct psychological counseling for victims and the bereaved (conduct online and face-to-face counseling to mentally ill patients with anger, sense of guilt, etc.).

3. Enhance the effectiveness of government-based remedy 

  • Benchmark advanced countries who have operated NCPs for a long time through the OECD peer review process.
  • Improve the operation of NCP.
    – Diversify the composition of organization to make possible for neutral and professional personnel to participate
    – Share best practices of foreign objection to enhance the effectiveness of guidelines
    – Expand the participation of the persons concerned including NGOs, employer’s federation, etc.
  • Strengthen consistent promotion on the NCP system including its functions.
  • Educate Korean companies overseas on human rights.