Slovenia – National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) / Ombudspersons

Principle 1 – State’s duty to protect HR

Institutions specialised in human rights protection and promotion include: the Human Rights Ombudsman, the Advocate of the Principle of Equality, coordinators for equal opportunities for women and men, the Commission for Petitions, Human Rights and Equal Opportunities, the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for National Minorities, and numerous working bodies established by the Government or operating within ministries. (pg. 8-9)

Principle 10 – Basic Orientations

To promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms and to enhance legal security, the amended Human Rights Ombudsman Act establishes the Centre for Human Rights… (pg. 34)

The Centre for Human Rights and the Ombudsman will cooperate more closely with international organisations in the fields of enforcing, promoting and developing human rights and fundamental freedoms, including in the framework of the Global Alliance for National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI), the United Nations (Human Rights Council), the Council of Europe, the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the European Union. (pg. 34)

The Council of Human Rights, the establishment of which also arises from the amended Human Rights Ombudsman Act, promotes quality cooperation in the framework of international multilateral mechanisms, its tasks include dealing with reports of the Republic of Slovenia submitted to international organisations in the sphere of human rights, and participating in the drafting of independent reports of the Human Rights Ombudsman on meeting the Republic of Slovenia’s international obligations regarding human rights.  (pg. 34)

Principle 27 – Human Rights Ombudsman

According to the Principles relating to the Status of National Institutions (the Paris Principles), Slovenia’s Human Rights Ombudsman has been accredited with B-status. To provide the legal basis for A-status, the Ministry of Justice and the Human Rights Ombudsman prepared the Act Amending the Human Rights Ombudsman Act. (pg. 39)

The Council of Human Rights started its work in June 2018, and it may provide views on development policies on human rights and fundamental freedoms, and, on the initiative of the Ombudsman, address wider issues concerning the promotion, protection and monitoring of human rights and fundamental freedoms. (pg. 39)

The Act Amending the Human Rights Ombudsman Act was adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia in September 2017; it establishes the Centre for Human Rights. (pg. 39)

The Centre for Human Rights, which will start its work in January 2019, will provide information, education, training, analyses and reports fields of human rights and fundamental freedoms promotion and protection, as well as organising consultations related to the enforcement, promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. (pg. 39-40)

Regarding initiatives under Article 26 of the Human Rights Ombudsman Act, the Ombudsman’s broader mandate does not include initiatives in the private sector; however, the proposed amendments to the Act will enable a general consideration of issues concerning the human rights situation in the business sector. (pg. 40)

Principle 27 – Planned Measures

With the Act Amending the Human Rights Ombudsman Act, Slovenia expanded the mandate of the Human Rights Ombudsman, thus enabling an upgrade of the Ombudsman’s current scope of activities and ensuring comprehensive provision of informal human rights protection both when dealing with cases and initiatives, and in addressing systemic irregularities, while at the same time strengthening the Ombudsman’s research and educational activities. In this context, a more prominent role is foreseen for the Ombudsman in the sphere of business and human rights as well. (pg. 41)

Implementation of the National Action Plan

The implementation of the National Action Plan of the Republic of Slovenia on Business and Human Rights is monitored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with other ministries and government offices; the Ministry may invite representatives of the Government, Human Rights Ombudsman, business sphere, trade unions, NGOs and academia to cooperate. (pg. 43)