Slovenia – Finance and banking sector
Principle 3a – Consumer Rights
Consumer rights form part of numerous vertical sector-specific regulations, with emphasis on the following sectors: financial services, which essentially require transparency and information… (pg. 15)
Principle 4 – Businesses receiving State support
The Slovene Export and Development Bank – SID Bank is based on the principle of balanced and sustainable development with respect to economic, environmental and social development. (pg. 24)
The Slovene Export and Development Bank considers a comprehensive, long-term and ethical views, and demands their application in all financial operations, services and activities. (pg. 25)
Principle 6 – Planned Measures
The Slovene export and development bank, SID Bank, will continue to observe the principles according to which it has operated, including the principle of balanced and sustainable development (economic, environmental and social development), and follow good practices in the implementation of these principles in comparable institutions in the EU. (pg. 28)
Principle 10 – Basic Orientations
Through its activities in the World Bank Group committees, Slovenia will support the effective implementation of the Environmental and Social Framework, including the environmental and social policies, which are integral parts of it. (pg. 32)
Among other things, these Standards foresee the support of the World Bank Group for the fulfilment of human rights. The EDS10 constituency of the World Group Bank, of which Slovenia is a part, is in favour of including human rights, and advocates an independent inspection panel as an effective protection mechanism, which – based on appeals – would determine whether an investment project infringes on human rights with regard to the mandatory standards. (pg. 33)
[T]he fight against climate change and respect for human rights are fundamental elements of the European Investment Bank’s lending policy. (pg. 33)
Slovenia fully supports the operations of the Council of Europe Development Bank, where all projects must meet the requirement of respecting the political and social goals of the Council of Europe. (pg. 33)
When addressing the strategies and projects of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in which Slovenian representatives participate on the board of directors, Slovenia will continue to cooperate actively in accordance with the EBRD’s fundamental principles relating to respect for human rights. (pg. 33)