Slovenia – Corporate law and corporate governance
Principle 2
Respect for human rights in the business sector is also required by the laws governing corporate liability for damages, ownership relations, consumer protection, the fight against corruption, and privacy protection. (pg. 10)
Principle 3(d) – Non-financial reporting
Slovenia has adopted a new legal regulation aimed at increasing the transparency of certain companies and at improving the adequacy, convergence and comparability of non-financial information, increasing the transparency and consequently the diversity in their administrative, management and supervisory bodies, increasing corporate responsibility and efficiency and thereby the effectiveness of the single market, and at improving corporate management. (pg. 21)
[T]o create a transparent, effective and clear management system which fosters the trust of investors, employees and the general public in the corporate management system, Slovenia has extended the list of companies which are required to include non-financial statements in their annual reports. (pg. 21)
Principle 5 – Oversight
The Slovenian development cooperation is aimed at enhancing human rights in developing countries, whereby good governance and strengthening the rule of law, including respect for human rights and equal opportunities, are classified as horizontal or multi-sectoral fields of activity. (pg. 25)
Principle 10 – Basic Principles
Slovenian representatives participate on the board of directors, Slovenia will continue to cooperate actively in accordance with the EBRD’s fundamental principles relating to respect for human rights. (pg. 33)
Annex – Human Rights Due Diligence in Practice
Human rights are a significant element of corporate social responsibility and as such have to be incorporated into risk management and management reviews. (pg. 46)