Policy Coherence – Kenya
2.1 Introduction [Page 5] The NAP is aligned to Kenya’s Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for both vertical and horizontal policy coherence and integration. It links each of the identified themes and the cross cutting issues to the corresponding SDGs. The NAP does not create any new obligations but is an overarching coherent tool to guide all actors in respecting human rights as they play their expected role in the development of the country, including attainment of the SDGs.
CHAPTER THREE: POLICY ACTIONS 3.1. Pillar 1: The State Duty to Protect [page 16-17] Under international law, States have the primary obligation to protect against human rights abuses within their jurisdiction and territory. Pillar 1 of the UNGPs clarifies that this obligation includes protecting against human rights abuses by third parties such as businesses. In this regard, states should take appropriate steps to prevent, investigate, punish and redress such abuses by having in place effective policy, legal, regulatory and adjudicative measures. States are therefore expected to explicitly set out expectations that all businesses in their jurisdictions, including state-owned businesses and those businesses with which they engage in commercial transactions, respect human rights through policies, laws and guidance. Additionally, States are expected to guarantee policy coherence across different government agencies, thereby ensuring that different state institutions are aware of and observe the State’s human rights obligations. The State’s duty in this regard includes providing these institutions with the requisite information through training and support (horizontal coherence) while ensuring that the policies and regulatory frameworks are consistent with the state’s international human rights obligations (vertical coherence). This coherence should extend to the State’s investment treaties with other States or with business enterprises. This State duty is also consistent with the spirit of the SDGs including 5.1 (non-discrimination on gender grounds), 10 (reduction of inequalities), 12 (responsible production and consumption) and 16 (accountable and inclusive institutions).