Poland – SOE

Pillar II: The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

2. Corporate social responsibility in companies with State Treasury shareholding [page 32]

All businesses share the same responsibility for respecting human rights regardless of the title of ownership. State-owned companies should serve as a model for socially responsible business practices and should conduct business based on ethical, prosocial, and environmentally friendly principles across the board. These entities should promote a modern model of operations based on social responsibility and sustainable development in order to ensure their long-term economic viability. With that in mind, the Ministry of Treasury published the document Good Practices in the Scope of Corporate Social Responsibility in Companies with State Treasury Shareholding, which: – groups the expectations of the Minister of Treasury regarding actions in the field of corporate social responsibility, in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles; – specifies the guidelines for corporate social responsibility in companies with State Treasury shareholding; – presents recommendations for the managing bodies (management and supervisory boards) of companies with State Treasury shareholding and detailed recommendations for companies with State Treasury shareholding. As Poland ratified the Protocol of 2014 to Forced Labour Convention No 29 of 1930, it is necessary to initiate measures that will require employers in the public and private sectors to provide information under their reporting procedures on implemented procedures, processes, and standards for counteracting forced labour.

10. Planned and ongoing activities [page 37]

1) Promoting good practices in human rights and business, including with respect to state-owned enterprises and enterprises commissioned by the state..