Poland – ICT


Pillar I: The state’s duty to protect human rights

5. Planned changes in national legislation

Rules governing the liability of Internet intermediaries for hate speech and violation of freedom of speech [page 26]:

The Ministry of Digital Affairs plans to draft a regulation to counteract restrictions on the freedom of speech, on the one hand, and to block illegal content on the Internet, on the other. Legislative work is being carried out that clarifies the procedure for notice and takedown of the illegal content online, as well as strengthens legal safeguards for freedom of speech in the activities of electronic service providers. These efforts address i.a. issues related to hate speech or incitement to violence, as well as the use of unauthorised technical restrictions on freedom of speech in social media.



7. Ministry of the Interior and Administration

Improving the effectiveness of combating cybercrime, including hate speech or incitement to violence on the Internet

Continuation of the ongoing analysis of the possibility of adapting the law to the requirements enabling effective prosecution of this type of crimes, including development of the proposal of the Department for Fighting Against Cybercrime, Criminal Service Bureau of the NPH with regard to legal solutions enabling the services, including the Police, to apply for blocking certain content on websites in connection with combating and preventing crimes. Proposals in the area in question have been presented in the report on the works of the Task force for developing solutions in the area of counteraction and response in the case of reports on placing an explosive device by a person concealing their identity on the Internet, established within the framework of the works of the Inter- ministerial Team for Terrorist Threats.
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