Poland – Migrant workers


Pillar III: Access to remedies

Tasks of the National Labour Inspectorate in the field of combating human trafficking and, in particular, forced labour [page 47]:

The signing of an agreement between the Border Guard Chief Commander and the Chief Labour Inspector in 2008 and then in 2015 served as an instrument to strengthen the capacity of labour inspectors to respond to the illegal employment of foreign nationals and to the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings. The agreement offers a basis for cooperation in undertaking joint inspections by Border Guard officers and labour inspectors, and for exchanging information on violations of the law concerning foreign nationals, including cases of their illegal employment. Effective combating of crimes of trafficking in human beings for forced labour is also possible thanks to mechanisms of cooperation and exchange of information between National Labour Inspectorate units and prosecutors’ offices, at both the central and local levels, also on the basis of an agreement concluded in 2014. Training courses are conducted at the National Labour Inspectorate Training Centre in Wroclaw to help improve the qualifications of the inspectorial staff involved in the activities related to the issues in question. The procedure for handling complaints by PIP authorities is an important tool in the prevention of trafficking in human beings for forced labour and violations of labour rights of foreign nationals.

Appendix 1

International Legal Framework in Force in Poland [page 57]:

(…) – Article 19: The right of migrant workers and their families to protection and assisstance.



13. National Labour Inspectorate

Tasks of the National Labour Inspectorate in the field of combating trafficking in human beings, in particular, for forced labour

The signing of an agreement between the Border Guard Chief Commander and the Chief Labour Inspector in 2008 and then in 2015 and 2018 served as an instrument to strengthen the capacity of labour inspectors to respond to the illegal employment of foreign nationals and to the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings. The agreement offers a basis for cooperation primarily in undertaking joint inspections by Border Guard officers and labour inspectors, and for exchanging information on violations of the law concerning foreign nationals, including cases of their illegal employment. Effective combating of crimes of trafficking in human beings for forced labour is also possible thanks to mechanisms of cooperation and exchange of information between National Labour Inspectorate units and prosecutors’ offices, at both the central and local levels, also on the basis of an agreement concluded in 2014 and 2017. Training courses are conducted at the National Labour Inspectorate Training Centre in Wrocław to help improve the qualifications of the inspectorial staff involved in the activities related to the issues in question.

The procedure for handling complaints by PIP authorities is an important tool in the prevention of trafficking in human beings for forced labour and violations of labour rights of foreign nationals. Complaints that suggest the need for immediate action are examined first. – page 38

Labour inspectors also check compliance with the principle of equal treatment of foreign nationals in terms of working conditions and other conditions of employment, compared to Polish citizens employed in corresponding or similar positions.

Promotion of the idea of equal treatment and non-discrimination in the labour market, especially with respect to foreign nationals, is supported by projects co-financed from European funds, as well as PIP publications (leaflets, brochures, guides) addressed to a wide audience. – page 39