Poland – Policy Coherence
Pillar II: The corporate responsibility to respect human rights
3. Non-financial reporting: implementation of Directive 2014-95-EU [page 30]:
(…) At the same time, the tasks included in the NAP help public administration: (…) conduct a coherent policy and provide information about planned activities in the field of respecting human rights in business.
3. Ministry of Economic Development and Technology Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (2030 Agenda) From the point of view of the Coordinator of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Poland – the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology – in the coming years the implementation of the idea of sustainable development will strongly rely on the practical application of the provisions included in the report ‘Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Poland’, adopted by the Council of Ministers in June 2018, i.e.: first of all, supporting education for sustainable development, ensuring consistency of development policy and effective monitoring of progress in achieving the goals. The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, in cooperation with the OECD and the EC, will implement a project consisting in the preparation and implementation of a programme to develop the competences of public administration in the area of sustainable development. Building partnerships and enhancing the dialogue with 2030 Agenda stakeholders, as well as striving to increase their real involvement in issues relevant for sustainable development – such as social responsibility, equality between women and men, ensuring decent work, sensitivity to climate change, sustainable consumption and production – will remain crucial. – page 13 4. Ministry of Family and Social Policy The first Polish Strategy for Persons with Disabilities 2021–2030 The last of the eight priority areas of the Strategy is ‘Coordination’. Implementation of the new state policy for supporting persons with disabilities requires appropriate institutional reform to remedy the diagnosed systemic problems. The measures designed within this priority area seek to establish a framework to ensure coherence of the system and development of cooperation between institutions dealing with problems of people with disabilities. – page 20 11. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Support for entrepreneurs by diplomatic missions Support for entrepreneurs by diplomatic missions will be implemented, among others, through cooperation based on the ‘Cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Polish Investment and Trade Agency on the implementation of tasks in the field of promotion of the Polish economy abroad’, signed on 8 October 2020. – page 29 Appendix 2 (information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) GOOD PRACTICE CATALOGUE FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS IN THE FIELD OF BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS2 Recommendations – maintain ongoing cooperation with relevant state offices, other diplomatic missions, non- governmental organisations and business self-governments, as well as the Foreign Trade Office of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (if operating in the host country), with regard to assessing the impact of planned economic activities on human rights and their significance for sustainable development – page 47 |