Pakistan – Health and social care

ANNEX II: Actions Already Undertaken by Pakistan

A | General Measures Relevant to Business and Human Rights (pages 73-75)

‘Benazir Income Support Programme was inaugurated to provide social assistance to women by giving interest free financial assistance to female beneficiaries under their Waseela-e-Haq (Micro-Finance) programme to start their own businesses. Additionally, the Waseela-e-Sehat programme subsidizes health care for beneficiaries and provides life insurance to close to one million women while the Waseela-e-Rozgar programme provides vocations and technical trainings. Similary the Ehsaas Program includes components related to financial assistance, micro-credit, interest free loans, and similar initiatives for women and vulnerable or marginalised groups.’

B | Measures Relevant to NAP Priority Areas

ii. Anti-Discrimination, Equal Opportunity and Inclusion

  • Sindh (page 77)

‘The Sindh Women Agriculture Workers Act 2019 was promulgated to protect the social security rights of female labourers in Sindh.’

iv. Labour Standards and the Informal Economy

  • Punjab (pages 81-82)

‘The Punjab Provincial Employees Social Security (Amendment) Act 2013 increases the wage limit of workers and entitles the nearest kin of a secured employee to a death grant.


The Provincial Employees Social Security Ordinance 1965 requires an employer to provide health care, including maternity care, to full-time domestic workers under Section 55A.’

  • Sindh (page 82)

‘Section 59 of the Sindh Employees’ Social Security Act 2016 states that employers are to provide health care and maternity care to full-time domestic workers.’

  • Balochistan (page 84)

‘The Provincial Employees Social Security Ordinance 1965 requires employers to provide health care, including maternity care to full-time domestic workers under Section 55A.’