Pakistan – Policy coherence

CHAPTER 1: National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights

1.4 | Coherence between the National Action Plan, Other Government Policies, and Pakistan’s International Commitments (page 9)

‘[…] a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, serves as a normative and operational framework to complement economic development that does not come at the expense of the protection and respect for human rights.

The NAP also complements Pakistan’s National Action Plan on Human Rights 2016, focused on the implementation of key human rights priorities and international instruments, as well as crosscutting interventions for the protection of human rights. The Action Plan calls for a rights-based approach to development planning, strengthening of the National Human Rights Institutes (NHRI), the implementation of international commitments through capacity-building programs, and the effective functioning of Treaty Implementation Cells (TICs). The NAP will align with Pakistan’s commitments, and domestic frameworks relevant to the international human rights treaties and labour conventions introduced in the previous section, as well as reporting mechanisms relevant to treaty bodies, Universal Periodic Review, and the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations. The increased awareness amongst rights-holders of the protections owed to them and the State expectations of businesses will help bolster a national effort towards the protection of human rights in the business context in Pakistan. This will strengthen Pakistan’s position as a responsible trading partner in the region and will also support its fulfillment of reporting requirements for international human rights mechanisms and other relevant frameworks. Additionally, the NAP will also support and complement Pakistan’s commitment to the SDGs, which seek to “advance the realization of human rights for all”. Most of the SDGs directly or indirectly reflect international human rights and labour standards.

The NAP will also complement frameworks with similar principles related to the protection and promotion of socially inclusive, sustainable, and responsible business operations, for example, Pakistan’s commitment to the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration).’


CHAPTER 3: National Action Plan Priority Areas and Proposed Actions (page 15)

‘To ensure policy coherence and fulfillment of the State of Pakistan’s commitment to the implementation of the UNGPs, as well as its binding international obligations, implementation of the proposed actions will require committed and ongoing inter-ministerial and inter-provincial coordination and cooperation. Furthermore, in addition to the responsibility of implementing entities, the inclusion and active participation of civil society, employers and workers organisations, the business community, NHRIs, and other stakeholders will be critical in the implementation of the NAP and the advancement of the Protect, Respect, and Remedy framework across business activity.’

3.2. NAP Priority Areas

3.2.3. Human Rights Due Diligence (page 25)

‘Consistent Federal and Provincial coordination will be required to effectively conduct oversight and monitoring of compliance with human rights due diligence expectations. Progress in this regard will require strong communication and cooperation between relevant Ministries, Provincial Departments, and regulatory bodies for the establishment and oversight of human rights due diligence standards and guidelines, followed by the gradual development of a legislative framework.’