Pakistan – Non-judicial grievance mechanisms

CHAPTER 2: Protect, Respect, Remedy Framework

Pillar III: Access to Remedy (page 14)

‘[…] quasi-judicial bodies exist to regulate competition in business, unfair labour practices and industrial disputes. These bodies include the Ombudsperson Offices in all four Provinces relating to sexual harassment at the workplace, taxation, insurance and any complaints faced by the public from Federal Government Departments including State Owned Entities. Additionally, the National Industrial Relations Commission (NIRC) has been established with the jurisdiction to resolve industrial disputes and unfair labour practices. Moreover, the NCHR has been established as an independent State body with an extensive mandate to protect and promote human rights. The NCHR has also been granted a quasi-judicial competence to investigate violations of human rights abuses either through individual complaints or through a suo motu capacity.’

This information is also covered under Annex II: Actions Already Undertaken by Pakistan, B) Actions Relevant to NAP Priority Areas, viii. Access to Remedy (page 86).


Chapter 3: National Action Plan Priority Areas and Proposed Actions

3.2. NAP Priority Areas

3.2.8. Access to Remedy (page 36)

The State of Pakistan commits to improving the effectiveness of its judicial and non-judicial grievance redressal mechanisms, and also expects businesses to ensure a reduction in barriers to accessing internal remedies within organisations. With respect to non-judicial grievance mechanisms (State-based and non-State-based), the principles of transparency, impartiality and predictability must be adhered to.

Proposed Actions

  • Federal and Provincial (page 37)

‘68. Ensure the effective functioning of public grievance redressal mechanisms such as the Ombudsperson Offices and enhance their capacity to resolve complaints.

Performance indicator(s): (i) Development of Capacity-building Initiatives; and (ii) Number of Capacity-building Trainings

UN Guiding Principle(s): 1, 3, 27

Relevant SDG(s): Goal 5 – Gender Equality; Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth; Goal 10 – Reduced Inequalities’

This information is also covered under Appendix 1: Implementation Plan, Proposed Action 68 designating the Federal and Provincial Ombudsperson against Harassment of Women at the Workplace; Ministry of Human Rights as Leading Entities, and designating the Provincial Human Rights Departments; National Commission of Human Rights; Services and General Administration Department; Legal experts as Additional Entities (page 71).

  • Provincial (page 37)

‘69. Conduct compliance review to verify that effective and gender responsive organizational remedial mechanisms, including Inquiry Committees, are established in all public and private enterprises.

Performance indicator(s): (i) Compliance review report

UN Guiding Principle(s): 1, 2, 3, 12, 15, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29

Relevant SDG(s): Goal 5 – Gender Equality; Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth; Goal 10 – Reduced Inequalities’

This information is also covered under Appendix 1: Implementation Plan, Proposed Action 69 designating the Industries and Commerce Departments and Fact-Finding Committees as Leading Entities, and designating the Relevant Industries and Businesses as Additional Entities (page 71).


CHAPTER 4: State Expectations of Business Enterprises (pages 39-40)

‘[…] 10. Develop, embed, and implement a corporate remedy strategy, which outlines the standard established by the business to provide for redressal of human rights complaints. Business enterprises are encouraged to provide publicly available information in relation to the redressal mechanisms (to relevant stakeholders) and how the same are used (through specific trainings to employees) to ensure that complainants understand avenues of redressal if their rights have been violated.

11. Make available remediation for human rights abuses in the supply and value chains of a business even when a business is not directly involved in a human rights violation but has the potential to adversely affect human rights.

12. Provide remedies to individuals who reside in the communities in which they operate. For this purpose, businesses should ensure that they have an open-door policy and are encouraged to enforce the right of access to information by providing publicly available information on how their human rights standards are maintained.’