Pakistan – Environment & climate change
CHAPTER 1: National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights
1.4. Coherence between the National Action Plan, Other Government Policies, and Pakistan’s International Commitments (Page 10)
Pakistan’s GSP+ Status, which was granted in light of and to support Pakistan’s efforts at strengthening compliance with the 27 core international conventions pertaining to human rights, labour, corruption and the environment, is contingent upon the implementation of these conventions, and will be further strengthened through the protection of human rights in business activity. The NAP provides a strong framework to support Pakistan’s commitments under schemes such as GSP+.
CHAPTER 2: Protect, Respect, Remedy Framework
Pillar I | State Duty to Protect Human Rights (page 12)
‘Pakistan’s domestic legal framework provides various guarantees and includes […] protection from environmental degradation […].’
CHAPTER 3: National Action Plan Priority Areas and Proposed Actions
3.2. NAP Priority Areas
3.2.3 | Human Rights Due Diligence
Proposed Actions
- Federal (page 25)
’31. Develop policy, including a proposed regulatory model, on the requirement of human rights due diligence for the approval of large-scale projects where the business activity poses a significant risk to the rights of a community at large, and incorporate into relevant existing Rules and Guidance.
Performance indicator(s): (i) Policy development; (ii) incorporation into relevant existing Rules and Guidelines
UN Guiding Principle(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 17, 23
Relevant SDG(s): Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth; Goal 10 – Reduced Inequalities; Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production; Goal 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions’
This information is also covered under Appendix 1: Implementation Plan, Proposed Action 31 designating the Ministry of Commerce; the Ministry of Human Rights; the Ministry of Industries of Production; the Provincial Industries and Production Departments as Leading Entities, and designating the Provincial Commerce Departments, the Provincial Human Rights Departments; the board of Investments; the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency; the Ministry of Energy; the Provincial Women Development Departments as Additional Entities (page 35).
ANNEX II | Actions Already Undertaken by Pakistan
A | General Measures Relevant to Business and Human Rights (pages 72-73)
‘Section 204 (2) of the Companies Act 2017 states that directors of a company are to act in good faith in promoting the objects of a company and must ensure that their actions are in the best interest of the company, its employees, shareholders, the community, and the environment.’
‘Protection from environmental degradation is also a priority for Pakistan. Under the State Bank Guidelines for Infrastructure Project Financing, companies must draft a description of environmental impact assessments and must report on health and safety issues to provide information as to the compliance of the project with relevant laws.
The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997 also provides for environmental impact assessments and initial environmental examinations to ensure the protection of the environment in carrying out business activity.’
B | Measures Relevant to NAP Priority Areas
iii. Human Rights Due Diligence (page 80)
‘The State Bank has developed guidelines which provide that as a pre-requisite companies must draft a description of environmental impact assessments and must report on health and safety issues to provide information as to the compliance of the project with relevant laws.
In the sustainability reports of businesses within Pakistan, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a major component. This mostly covers health, safety, and environmental policies.
Many companies especially State Owned, and Controlled Entities have taken initiatives of their own as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility programs including education, health, women empowerment, community building, and the environment.’