Norway – Health
1. Global developments and CSR
1.1 Developing an international framework for CSR
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The UN Guiding Principles are intended to promote more sustainable, socially beneicial economic development. Promoting human rights is directly and indirectly linked with environmental protection, climate and anti-corruption eforts. For example, the right to health can be afected by hazardous substances and air, soil and water pollution.
2. The State duty to protect human rights
2.1 The state as legislator
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The Norwegian Human Rights Act9 states that certain key human rights conventions have the force of Norwegian law10 and take precedence over any other legislative provisions that are in conflict with them. In 2014, a number of human rights were also enshrined in the Norwegian Constitution. The duty of business enterprises to respect human rights is set out in Norwegian legislation, for example in the Working Environment Act, the Gender Equality Act and the Environmental Information Act. In addition there are acts regulating other areas that may have consequences for human rights, such as the Nature Diversity Act, the Pollution Control Act and the Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Act. These are intended to contribute to a stable climate and a healthy environment, and to help safeguard the right to health. Generally speaking, Norwegian legislation safeguards human rights in Norway, so that companies that operate only in Norway are in little danger of violating these rights as long as they comply with the legislation.