
1. Global developments and CSR

Developing an International Framework for CSR [page 12]:

All OECD countries must establish National Contact Points to ensure implementation.

2. The State duty to protect human rights

2.2 The state as Adviser [page 20]:

A large number of public or officially supported institutions that work with business internationalisation provide guidance on CSR and human rights. Among them are the Foreign Service, Norad, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, and Innovation Norway. Norway’s OECD National Contact Point also provides information and guidance.

Norway’s OECD National Contact Point [page 20]:

As a member of the OECD, Norway is committed to promoting the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Guidelines were updated and adopted at the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting in May 2011. All OECD countries must appoint a National Contact Point that in addition to promoting the Guidelines provides on request assistance in specific instances of alleged non-observance of the Guidelines. The Contact Point is not a supervisory or control body, but provides advice and facilitates access to conciliation and mediation procedures. National Contact Points are also mandated to cooperate with each other on promoting the Guidelines. Norway’s Contact Point is appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in consultation with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries and the Ministry of Finance, from candidates proposed by the social partners (the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) and the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) and civil society (the Norwegian Forum for Environment and Development).

4. Access to remedy

4.1 State-based grievance mechanisms [page 41]:

The National Contact Point provides information on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles. The National Contact Point provides information on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles. The Contact Point also deals with individual cases independently of the government. In line with the Guidelines, the parties to cases that come before the Contact Point are expected to participate in good faith during the procedure.

Grievance Mechanisms at Company Level [page 41]:

The National Contact Point, in cooperation with enterprises that have made considerable progress in this area, can provide practical advice on the establishment of consultation and grievance mechanisms.

Criteria for Ensuring Effective Non-Judicial Grievance Mechanisms [page 43]:

The criteria are designed to ensure that those for whom the mechanism is intended are aware of it, have confidence in it and are in a position to use it. Companies that establish grievance mechanisms should familiarize themselves with the criteria and seek to satisfy them. The OECD National Contact Point Norway follows these criteria.