
2. State Duty to Protect Human Rights

2.2 The State as Adviser [page 20]:

A large number of public or officially supported institutions that work with business internationalisation provide guidance on CSR and human rights. Among them are the Foreign Service, Norad, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, and Innovation Norway. Norway’s OECD National Contact Point also provides information and guidance.

Measures [page 21]

The Norwegian NAP highlights the intention to “improve the level of competence on the UN Guiding Principles and the OECD Guidelines among the public bodies that offer guidance on CSR; strengthen guidance and dialogue with companies on human rights, business ethics, security and corruption in especially demanding markets.”

Conditions for Government Support for Business Promotion and Private Sector Development – Measures [page 24]

The Norwegian NAP notes the intention to “give companies with international operations that apply for public funding or services adequate and coherent information and guidance on the Government’s expectations concerning respect for human rights.”

2.5 Public Procurement [page 25]:

The Government has held a public consultation on a proposed amendment to section 6 of the Procurement Act to include a provision stating that contracting authorities should have adequate procedures for ensuring social responsibility in connection with public procurement. The Agency for Public Management and Government (DIFI) provides guidance on such matters.

2.9 International Cooperation on CSR [page 27]:

States should harmonize their expectations in international forums that support, enter into partnerships with and provide guidance to enterprises. Norway is therefore working for the integration of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises into the OECD framework for export financing.