
The Dutch NAP includes limited references to gender and women’s rights.

3.1 An active role for the government

Level playing field [page 15]

“The Netherlands is also committed to universal ratification of the ILO’s fundamental labour standards: … equality of opportunity and treatment …”

3.3 Clarifying due diligence

CSR Risk Check [page 23]

“Using a grant from the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, CSR Netherlands has developed the CSR Risk Check for companies wishing to apply due diligence. Based on the sector and country in which a company is operating, this internet tool provides an indication of possible social impacts. CSR Netherlands works with the agency responsible for carrying out Sector Risk Analyses to harmonise the information on which the two instruments are based. This information will be used in the course of 2014 to compile sectoral world maps on which colour coding will be used to indicate whether a certain theme (e.g. child labour, discrimination of women) plays a role in a given country or region.”