Luxembourg – NHRIs
Part II: Specific objectives of the National Action Plan 2020-2022
1. The state duty to protect human rights
1.5. Strengthening the coherence of human rights policies through cross-references in the texts and on the respective websites of the different National Action Plans (NAPs) with a human rights connotation
In implementing its international human rights commitments, and in particular when submitting implementation reports to the United Nations treaty bodies, Luxembourg is regularly called upon to formulate sectoral national action plans. Cross-referencing between the NAP “Business and Human Rights” [PAN « Entreprises et droits de l’Homme »] and the other sectoral NAPs should contribute to greater policy coherence. The publication of these different NAPs on the internet can contribute to a better understanding of the issues at stake in public opinion.
Objectively verifiable indicators | – National Baseline Assessment (NBA) [Etude de base]: Identification of other NAPs – Identification of relevant web pages on the website – Identification of overlapping areas |
Verification sources | × Vulnerable peoples × NAP texts × Texts in (website) |
Expected results | × Cross-referencing × Improved policy coherence |
Implementation timeline | 2020 |
Means of implementation | × Competent ministries × Inter-ministerial committee on Human Rights [Comité interministériel des droits de l’Homme], MAEE (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs) × CET (Centre pour l’égalité de traitement) × ORK (Luxembourg’s Ombudsman) [Ombuds Comité fir d’Rechter vum Kand] × Specialised NGOs |
The 2020-22 NAP states the second edition of the National Action Plan complements the first NAP. Additional information about the first NAP can be found here.