Luxembourg – Equality & non-discrimination

Part II: Specific objectives of the National Action Plan 2020-2022

1. The state duty to protect human rights


1.15 Protection of human rights in business in the context of new information and communication technologies (ICT), including artificial intelligence (AI)




In his report to the UN General Assembly in 2018, Mr David Kaye, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, analysed the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) in more detail. Within this framework, each State is obliged to uphold human rights, including the right to freedom of opinion, freedom of expression and access to information, the right to privacy, the and the right to an effective remedy.


The 2020-22 NAP states the second edition of the National Action Plan complements the first NAP. Additional information about the first NAP can be found here.