Luxembourg – Environment & Climate change

Part II: Specific objectives of the National Action Plan 2020-2022

1. The state duty to protect human rights


1.7. Follow up on the commitment to introduce a duty of care at a European level



Following the Government’s commitment in the coalition agreement that “Luxembourg will support European initiatives to strengthen the social and environmental responsibility of transnational companies in the management of their supply chains and will commit itself at European level to binding and effective legislation”, the conclusions of the baseline study, the positions expressed by different actors within the working group on the need to introduce a binding duty of care for companies, recent legislative developments in other EU Member States and initiatives at the level of the European Parliament, a follow-up of the initiatives taken by Luxembourg in favour of European legislation on duty of care will be carried out in the framework of the National Action Plan.

To this end, regular reports will be made by the Ministry to the working group on the initiatives taken in favour of a duty of care at European level and on the progress of the work.


Objectively verifiable indicators ×        Benchmark: Coalition agreement
Verification sources ×        Report from the MAEE (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs)

×        Follow-up in the Working Group on Business and Human Rights [GT « Entreprises et droits de l’Homme »]

Expected results Regular information of the working group members, sharing of published official documents and proposal of the working group to the Ministry
Implementation timeline Duration of NAP 2
Means of implementation ×      MAEE (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs)


The 2020-22 NAP states the second edition of the National Action Plan complements the first NAP. Additional information about the first NAP can be found here.