Luxembourg – conflict-affected areas

Part II: Specific objectives of the National Action Plan 2020-2022

1. The state duty to protect human rights


1.10. Preparation of the implementation in Luxembourg of the EU regulation on conflict minerals



The legislative challenge in 2020 is to create a regulatory framework to implement the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation. Indeed, the regulation on minerals from conflict zones will enter into force on January 1st 2021. It will be essential to involve the various stakeholders (business and civil society), and in particular those represented in the Business and Human Rights Working Group, in the reflection on the implementation of the Regulation. In this context, it should also be recalled that the government was invited by a motion of the Chamber of Deputies, in the context of the vote on the Public Procurement Act in April 2018, “to ensure that public procurement in the future incorporates the due diligence criterion at the level of metals affected by Regulation (EU) 2017/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 (tantalum, tin, tungsten, gold).”


Objectively verifiable indicators ×        Benchmark: NAP 1
Verification sources ×        NAP 1 Implementation Report

×        Follow-up in the Working Group on Business and Human Rights [GT « Entreprises et droits de l’Homme »]

Expected results ×    Raising awareness among stakeholders

×    Implementation of the Regulation according to the timetable indicated

×    Predictability and legal certainty, especially for businesses

Implementation timeline Depending on the entry into force of the Regulation
Means of implementation ×      MAEE (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs), Directorate for European Affairs and International Economic Relations


The 2020-22 NAP states the second edition of the National Action Plan complements the first NAP. Additional information about the first NAP can be found here.