Lithuania – SOE
1. Objectives and Measures
Objective 2: promoting corporate responsibility and respect in the field of business and human rights
A. Implemented and on-going measures for the development of CSR in Lithuania [page 6]
1. National Strategy for Sustainable Development…The implementation of the principle of participation of enterprises and social partners provides for closer social dialogue, stronger CSR, public and private sector partnership, as well as sustainable consumption and production.
3. The application of CRS principles to the state-owned enterprises. One of the objectives of the CSR Programme approved by the Government in 20IO is to develop methodological tools for the application of CSR principles, to ensure their dissemination and the exchange of best practices. It was foreseen that state-owned enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the SOE) operating under the principles of good governance may act as examples of socially responsible business. To this end, since 20 I0, actions were taken to restructure SOEs with a particular focus on corporate transparency and social responsibility. SOEs provide important public services as regards energy, water supply, public transport, electronic communications, health, education, social services and others. The application of the tools of socially responsible business may not only ensure that the highest return for the public is generated but can also make a positive impact on social stability and the promotion of business and human rights principles.
Lithuania already has SOEs engaged in socially responsible business initiatives. Model CSR application plan and its implementing guidelines for state-owned enterprises were prepared in 2012 aimed to facilitate introduction of CSR in state-owned enterprises, and to promote the use of CSR principles in their operations. This document lists examples of good practise of CSR in Lithuanian state-owned enterprises, naming among others AB Lesto, AB Lietuvos Gelezinkeliai, and Vilnius International Airport.