Japan – Trade

Chapter 2. Action Plan

2. Areas of the NAP

 (2) Measures of the Government as an Actor regarding State Duty to Protect Human Rights


C. Promotion and Expansion of the Business and Human Rights Agenda in the International Community

(Existing framework/Measures taken)

In the areas directly related to business activities, the Government has incorporated clauses concerning social issues, including labour and the environment in some of the EPAs and investment treaties that Japan has signed or ratified in a manner consistent with trade rules such as those of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and promoted shared understanding between signatories on values to be respected, such as securing appropriate labour standards and conditions and protection of the environment. For example, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP11 Agreement) includes an independent Labour Chapter and Environment Chapter as well as provisions on women’s participation, and the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) includes a Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter. On top of this, the Japan-EU EPA also stipulates that the parties shall convene joint dialogue with civil society, establishing that civil society shall play a certain role through exchange of opinions on themes such as trade and sustainable development, the environment, and labour.


(Future measures planned)

(c) Continue to contribute to discussions regarding relations between economic activities and social issues, at international forums, including international organizations such as the OECD and the World Bank [Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry]

(d)Continue to make efforts towards concluding EPAs and investment agreements that benefit not only industry but also a wide range of people, including workers [Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry]

(e)Periodically continue joint dialogue with civil society under the Japan-EU EPA (first dialogue held in January 2020) [Ministry of Foreign Affairs]


(4) Measures regarding Access to Remedy

Judicial and Non-Judicial Remedy

(Future measures planned)


(h) Continue the provision of grievance redress services in development cooperation and development financing