Japan – Human rights defenders and whistle-blowers
Chapter 2. Action Plan
2. Areas of the NAP
(4) Measures regarding Access to Remedy
Judicial and Non-Judicial Remedy
(Future Measures planned)
(f) Continue and reinforce measures, including those based on specific legislation (for workers, persons with disabilities, and foreign workers, including technical intern trainees, and for whistleblower protection)
The Whistleblower Protection Act (Act No. 122 of 2004) has been enacted for protecting whistleblowers who meet certain requirements, and promoting compliance with the laws and regulations concerning the protection of life, body, and property, and other interests of nationals. Continue to promote the establishment of whistleblowing systems at businesses and government agencies (including local governments) taking into account the G20 Osaka Leaders’ Declaration and the G20 High-Level Principles for the Effective Protection of Whistleblowers. [Consumer Affairs Agency]