Japan – garment

Chapter 2. Action Plan

Measures of the Government Promoting Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

1. Measures Related to Domestic and Global Supply Chains and Promotion of Human Rights Due Diligence Based on the UNGPs

( Existing framework/Measures taken)

With increased interest in responsible business conduct, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which Japan adheres to, added a new chapter on business responsibility on respect for human rights in its 2011 edition. In addition, OECD has launched due diligence guidance specific to sectors such as minerals, agriculture, garments, and footwear. In 2018, the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct was published as a practical tool that businesses can use regardless of the sector. The Government has been engaged in promoting the above Guidelines and Guidance to businesses. – page 23